Need opinion


I have a 180 gal FOWLR and have a 5" Sailfin Tang, 5" Koran, 2" Maroon Clown, and 2 giant Hermits. I want to get another fish. I'm done with other large angels cost to much and keep dying, but maybe a dwarf or another tang. I'm still trying to catch my Naso from my 112 reef to put in the 180 also. What do you think?


If your looking for something with some size perhaps a Foxface. Or something smaller like some schooling fish would be good like chromis or some fire fish.
P.S. thanks for removing your old avatar


Active Member
Your tank is large enough for a number of different species.
I would agree that a Foxface would be nice.
A Hippo Tang would do nicely (the different shape makes it compatible with the Sailfin) and you could add a flame or bi-colored angel as well.
The Naso is probably best left in the other tank if it's flourishing - no sense in stressing it out.
How about some Schooling Bannerfish - you could add about four and still be OK and they'll school quite nicely. They're also pretty easy to keep.
One Racoon butterfly would help keep your aptasia's out of the tank - but you better aclimate this guy in a QT for a month - just to make sure it will eat.
Id' say if you have a 4" DSB and enough LR you could put together a great fish tank weith a number of different fishes.


Active Member
You say angels keep real reason why they should. Would resolve this before adding anymore fish.
Assuming this is resolved I would get a powder blue tang. The three banner(heniochus) idea is not a bad one or three semilavartus butterflies. Also hardy but more expensive. Let us know what you decide.


I have a Koran that I've had for a month and a half and in that time I've gone through 2 Majestics and 1 Emperor. All die the same way start losing color and I wake up and find them wedged in the rock dead. My Koran is fine so I don't know what the problem is the water tests fine.


Active Member
The sailfin will not fiht with teh Bannerfish becuase of it's different expanded shape. the sailfin looks for oval shaped fish to fight with.
Banner fish are fine.


Active Member
SMetimes angels go after the heniochus. I suppost their long extended finnage is quite enticing. Having three or more should make it rather safe for them against the angel. I don't believe that the sailfin w/b a problem after everyone settles down.


What do you think about a Copperband Butterfly? I have Always liked them, just like my favorite the Emperor Angel. I do like the Bannerfish idea. My wife also likes them.


I need to thin out my 112 reef. I have 1 Naso 4", 1 Purple tang 4", 2 Hippo tangs 3", 1 Bangii Cardinal, and a Manderin. What should I move because they are starting to fight. Well the Purple and the Naso are fighting. Which one would go better in my 180 with the Sailfin?


Active Member
Not a fan of copperband. Very sensitive and needs very peaceful mates. Would not recommend adding to your mix.
I very much agree w/ your assessment that you need to thin out your 112. Assuming that you 112 is 5'long, you really shouldn't have more than 2 tangs in tank. I would move the Naso for now since it will definately outgrow the tank. You should also prepare to remove 2 of the hippos in the future. A purple and hippo s/b ok in a 5' tank together for the long haul.
It seems that you may want to sit back and calculate how much space you need for the fish you already have before buying any others. Remember to consider adult sizes of fish and calculate water capacity taking into consideration water displacement caused by rock, sand etc. Good luck.


I think I might just go ahead and move the Naso and the 2 Hippo's to the 180 and call it quits. What do you think?


This is what would be in the 180 gal tank as a final.
fish - Max size

Maroon Clown - 6"
Hippo Tang - 12" x 2
Sailfin Tang - 15"
Naso Tang - 18"
Koran Angel - 15"

Total size 78"
Total inches per gal 2.3"
But I have probably a 100 lbs of live and dead rock so it's probably les then 180 gallons. Of coarse I'll have some hermits, cleaner shrimp, starfish and snails. Here's a ugly pic of the tank w/o the hood and a mess around it.