I have a 150 gallon tank and need new lights. Dont really have the money for MH's or T5's. I have been looking at this coralife 6x96w setup (i know they are pc's) What do you all think of it.
Thanks in advance
No problem , there a few nice low/no light corals that you can keep.
Get the light you can aford now, and buy coral for that level of light. You can always upgrade later. Look online on the "list/bay" sometimes you get lucky.
I got my $2500 PFO 3x250MH's and dual T5's. A 72"hood, and 4x electronic ballasts for $400 on craigs list.
the deals are out there. just gotta be patient. Ill be due for a bulb change in 6 months. But even then, I still saved a fortune
Thanks guys.
My problem (and I should have said this earlier) my strip light is out. So I kind of need something now. I have tried the list and bay but no dice!. The coralife light is on sale online for 360.00 regular price is 900.00.
edit: Not on sale anymore.....DOH!!!!