Need opinions on 210 gal stocking list

a sea k

I had posted a stocking list earlier but after more research I had to make some changes. I'm looking for everyones opinion and/or advise.
Tank details: 210 gal AGA, 340lbs LR, mag1800 for return, mag1800 for CL, ASM G4+ skimmer, 50 gal sump/fuge, Coralife aqualight pro 3x150 HQI w/PC actinics. 250gal total system cap.
The list:
Intro 1) 2 neon gobies 2firefish gobies
Intro 2) 2 black percula clowns
Intro 3) 1 lawnmower blenny 1 tailspot blenny already have some algea starting and might need to put these guys in sooner if the snails (20 so far) can't keep up
Intro 4) 1 yellow assessor
Intro 5) 4 fairy wrasse, option 1; 1 M Hi flame 3 F Hi flame
option 2; 1 redmargined 1 Hi flame 1 labouts 1 exquisite all male
Intro 6) 1 yellow coris ( Halichoeres species not a true coris )
1 radiant wrasse
Intro 7) 1 brazillian flameback dwarf angel 1 rusty dwarf angel
Intro 8) 1 majestc angel
Intro 9) 1 mag foxface
Intro 10) 1 blue spot kole tang 1 mimic tang
Tank has been fully cycled for 2+ weeks. Temp range from 79-81 deg. PH 8.2 ammo and nitrite -0-, nitrate -15-, alk -3.8-, calcium-350-.
Added chaeto alge, 5 astrea, 5 nassirus, and 4 cerith snails the fuge last week. Added 10 turbo, 5 astrea, and 5 nassirus to main tank yesterday.
Diatom in full bloom and noticed some macro and green algea starting in the main tank.
I invite everyone to view my list and welcome all opinions. Thanks, Chris

a sea k

xDave, lion crazz, SCSI net, Dogstar, ANYONE? I know there are a lot of people on this board w/ way more knowledge than me. I am here for some support and encouragement or if needed to be warned of any mistakes I might have made. I am starting over again in this hobby and do not wish to fail as I have in the past. I welcome anyones thoughts and opinions. Thanks again, Chris

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by A sea K
I had posted a stocking list earlier but after more research I had to make some changes. I'm looking for everyones opinion and/or advise.
Tank details: 210 gal AGA, 340lbs LR, mag1800 for return,
mag1800 for CL, ASM G4+ skimmer, will these return stait to the tank?50 gal sump/fuge, Coralife aqualight pro 3x150 HQI w/PC actinics. 250gal total system cap.
what kind of light on the fuge?
The list:
Intro 1) 2 neon gobies 2firefish gobies
Intro 2) 2 black percula clowns
Intro 3) 1 lawnmower blenny 1 tailspot blenny already have some algea starting and might need to put these guys in sooner if the snails (20 so far) can't keep up
Intro 4) 1 yellow assessor
Intro 5) 4 fairy wrasse, option 1; 1 M Hi flame 3 F Hi flame
option 2; 1 redmargined 1 Hi flame 1 labouts 1 exquisite all male
Intro 6) 1 yellow coris ( Halichoeres species not a true coris )
1 radiant wrasse
Intro 7) 1 brazillian flameback dwarf angel 1 rusty dwarf angel
Intro 8) 1 majestc angel
Intro 9) 1 mag foxface
Intro 10) 1 blue spot kole tang 1 mimic tang
Tank has been fully cycled for 2+ weeks. Temp range from 79-81 deg. PH 8.2 ammo and nitrite -0-, nitrate -15-, alk -3.8-, calcium-350-.
Added chaeto alge,
5 astrea, 5 nassirus, and 4 cerith snails the fuge last week. Added 10 turbo, 5 astrea, and 5 nassirus to main tank yesterday.
Diatom in full bloom and noticed some macro and green algea starting in the main tank.
I invite everyone to view my list and welcome all opinions. Thanks, Chris
imo you need higher over turn Like a mag 24 or maybe I misunderstood and you plan on useing two mag 18
imo thats to many fish for a 210 pluss all that lr will cut down on your total volume down to around 180 to 150 total volume
nice light do you plan on any coral
well thats my .02$

a sea k

sign guy, Thanks for the reply, I was starting to think no one was paying attention.
I have 1 mag 1800 for the return from the sump/fuge and a 2nd mag 1800 dedicated for a CL.
Fuge light is 65 watt PC at 6700K.
The turnover is on the light side but should be ok for now. I've been looking at the wave2K and like what i've seen so far. This should take care of the flow problems.
I thought I might be a little over on the amount of livestock but should be pretty close. Do you have any suggestions here? ( witch are more or less compatable or what would better benifit the tank as a whole). Suprisingly, the rock did not displace nearly as much water as I expected. About 15-20 gal max. I drained water from the tank, put the rock in then refilled the tank, only had 15-20 gal left from the drainage. I might be off a little on the total capacity but there is a second holding sump (W/D) that has additional water volume. This is one of my early mistakes that I am trying to find a use for (other than additional water volume.)
The light will do for now but I don't think is adequate for most LPS and certainly not enough for SPS. I will probably do some softies to add some color the decor until I get a good handle on things and then who knows?
Thankyou for .02$ , Chris

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by A sea K
sign guy, Thanks for the reply, I was starting to think no one was paying attention.
I have 1 mag 1800 for the return from the sump/fuge and a 2nd mag 1800 dedicated for a
Fuge light is 65 watt PC at 6700K.
The turnover is on the light side but should be ok for now. I've been looking at the wave2K and like what i've seen so far. This should take care of the flow problems.
I thought I might be a little over on the amount of livestock but should be pretty close. Do you have any suggestions here? ( witch are more or less compatable or what would better benifit the tank as a whole). Suprisingly, the rock did not displace nearly as much water as I expected. About 15-20 gal max. I drained water from the tank, put the rock in then refilled the tank, only had 15-20 gal left from the drainage. I might be off a little on the total capacity but there is a second holding sump (W/D) that has additional water volume. This is one of my early mistakes that I am trying to find a use for (other than additional water volume.)I love w/d'sThe light will do for now but I don't think is adequate for most LPS and certainly not enough for SPS. I will probably do some softies to add some color the decor until I get a good handle on things and then who knows?
Thankyou for .02$ , Chris
check out this link about the wave2k

a sea k

Thanks, the link is where I originally got the idea. I need to e-mail for more info on the system. Wave2k site doesn't go into detail' but the set up looks very promising.
The 210 is 72L x 24W x 30 T so I dont think the 150s will make it to the bottom.
I had originally ordered a 180 (only 24T) and had already purchased the light for this set-up, anyway when I went to pick up the tank the LFS bobbled the order and had the 210 in stock so I went with that. Glad I did too.

a sea k

Yes it is very nice here but good LFS is very hard to find. I'm pretty much on my own and value the knowledge and advice a good fish store has to offer. My LFS is about 50 miles and I've pretty well had it with their advice.
Do you think anyone will offer any opinions or advice on my stocking? I'm beggining to wonder if I should have placed my inquiry in a different topic heading.

sign guy

Active Member
I had a stocking ? about a month ago and to date about 5 replies. it sucks
go hunt some people down they will hate that I brought there names up but there good
lion crazz
my way
scis (quint)

a sea k

Yes, it does suck. I have posted on another site and got about the same results. I do agree with your point that I may be overstocked but most of the fish are on the small side and I think will be OK. Any one of the names you mentioned above can chime in any time now, I have seen the advice they have given others and am sure I could use their opinion.
Man it's been a very long day.