Need Opinions...Royal Grammas mean?



I'm toying with the idea of adding another fish to my tank. Particulary a royal gramma or blackcap basslet. My current stocking list is:
20H reef tank
2 false perc's
1 purple firefish
numerous corals
I've had 2 dwarf angles in the past, but both ended up getting sick and dying. I would like to get something different, like a RG or blackcap. Every stat I see says they are peaceful & reef friendly, but I'm not so convinced. I hear they can become territorial and that's not something I need in a 20g. It's pretty much the clowns tank anyways, the firefish chills in his rock most of the day.
Any personal reports on these 2 little fishies? Good, bad? :joy:


Active Member
they are usually not territorial over a whole tank, just territorial over a favorite spot or cave. if you get one, make sure your tank is covered because they WILL jump.


I have a story for you! I was setting up my seahorse tank, and this was the first fish in there. I let it settle in for a few weeks, which would make many people think that it would establish territories and attack the next fish, but wrong! I added my two seahorses and it hid for a few days. When it would come out was during feeding. I had it with my seahorses for almost a year, until it died of ich.
I miss that fish....


Hmm, no cover over my tank. Didn't know they were jumpers. But then again, they say firefish are jumpers an no jumpy yet.
Thanks for the guidance. Anyone else? I hear the blackcaps are a little meaner than the RG's, true?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lagger
Hmm, no cover over my tank. Didn't know they were jumpers. But then again, they say firefish are jumpers an no jumpy yet.
Thanks for the guidance. Anyone else? I hear the blackcaps are a little meaner than the RG's, true?

I love my blackcap, he is not aggressive at all. He does stay in his cave ALOT though, and seems to be prone to ich. I have not had good luck with grammas, I tried two and they both died pretty quickly.


Active Member
Let me tell you a little story about royal grammas. When I first was able to go to the wholesaler's to help buy fish it was the first thing I noticed. RG's are floated in plastic cups inside a holding tank, or kept in tiny cubicles because of their nature to attack other fish in confined spaces. It is one of only a few fish kept in this fashion.


Active Member
I have one in a 33 gallon and he's the pansy of the tank, doesn't chase anyone and hangs out in the open a fair amount. I had heard they hide a lot so I was kinda afraid to get one but they are so colorful! He's the brightest fish in my tank and hasn't jumped out of my tank and it's mostly open. I say


Active Member
When it comes to this fish, personally, I would assume it will have an attitude. Like some of the dottybacks in this regard. I would potentially see it bullying your firefish at least. It is a definite risk, IMO.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Let me tell you a little story about royal grammas. When I first was able to go to the wholesaler's to help buy fish it was the first thing I noticed. RG's are floated in plastic cups inside a holding tank, or kept in tiny cubicles because of their nature to attack other fish in confined spaces. It is one of only a few fish kept in this fashion.
You sure you weren't looking at psuedo's? Although I believe I have seen the same thing with RG's :notsure: Hmmm, shux.
Maybe I'll just get a clam, thanks everyone!


Active Member
I think I know the difference between bassletts and psuedochromis. :thinking:
But yes they do keep strawberrys and bi-colors in the same fashion.


I had one in a 24g with a clown and it beat the clown up. Tore scales off and everything. Took him out and gave him to my boyfriend for his 40g. He bites his 2 clowns a lot. He has one side of the tank that he is very protective over, but if those clowns get anywhere near him they better watch out.


It is like any fish ive had so many fish of the same kind with different personalities, because i have had royal grammas 2 times with purple firefish and they have bowed up to em if they come by there hole but other than that nothinh the first ones i had were only in a 55. Good luck. :happyfish


Active Member
I think tank size...and thus territory...makes a big difference in what you see them do. In a larger tank they can have and defend a territory that other fish can easily avoid. In a smaller tank, it can be tough.


Just wanted to follow-up and say I finally got a RG after all and it's working out great
He's a friendly little fellow and adds nice color to the tank. Thanks everyone. :joy:


Active Member
RGs are territorial but their territory is only a few inches surrounding their favorite spot.
Theres a huge difference between putting several RGs in a bare tank with other fish and how you would actually keep them. How a fish is kept in wholesalers holding tanks is irrelevent to the home aquarium. Their tanks are bare, way too small to actually "keep" that many fish in, and alot of other things. If this really were a feasable example then 40 Yellow Tangs is ok in a 50 breeder.