New Member
Ok i had a 29g nano tank that i got my wife and she loved it for a while and we moved and turned it into a freshwater. And if your lookin for a cheap hardy fish a gamma is nice. It lived throughout the 3 day move in like 2" of water and no food. It was hiding in the rock. But anyway, she wants to get a new tank set up. My local petstore has a few tanks decently priced but what is better a hexagon or a square? its probably all personal pref but she wants her clowns for sure and i like my crabs and starfish and another goatfish if i can find 1. Also I need to know the best skimmers and filters i can get because it only comes with a stand hood and light with the tank. prolly lookin at a 40-50 gal. Thank you all in advance. trying to remember alot of stuff from memory but had a 4 wheeler accident and dont remember alot about the tanks.