need overflow help

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
i know theres a lot of coralline growth in the tubes. does that really make that much of a difference?

What I did was take the u-tube outside and use the sprayer head on the garden hose to clean it out.
Mine had coralline gowing all over the inside hid the algae and other crud real well.
I would definately take them off and clean will be suprised what comes out.


Active Member
tx- i'll try it. i've got nothing to lose. btw, my ro unit is in route. i went with the optima.
prevwon- 700gph at 0 ft will end up something like 500 gph at 3 ft of head pressure. as far as too much, a single u-tube overflow can handle 800gph. and as far as total flow, it all depends on what type of tank (fo, fowler, softies, sps) you want to acheive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PrevWon
It will be about 4ft...I want to have a reef. How many GPH should it be for a 75 gallon reef at 4ft?
It really depends on how long your sump is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
What I did was take the u-tube outside and use the sprayer head on the garden hose to clean it out.
Mine had coralline gowing all over the inside hid the algae and other crud real well.
I would definately take them off and clean will be suprised what comes out.
Don't forget to clean out the outer box too. There has got to be some sort of blockage.


Active Member
i'll clean out the everything when i get the chance. kinda tough with an 18 month old running through the house, having to check out what you're doin.
prev- stdreb is right about the sump. that will determine how much flow you'll be able to have through your overflow. as far as having a reef tank (i'm assuming sps) you'll want a minimum of 40x turnover in your display tank. that equates to 3000gph. that can be acheived with either powerheads or closed loop system. there are some members on here that have upwards of 100x turnover in theer tanks. i believe tx reef is one of them.


Active Member
a closed loop is exactly as it sounds. a pump pulls water out of the tank, and puts it back in. it doesn't go through any type of filtration


Which of the two would you reccommend given my available space, tank size, etc.: