HELP! I have a pair of false percula clowns, and this morning I noticed they have a weird uncontrollable-seeming full body tremor. They never did this before today, should I worry?
Fisrt one, and then the other kind of jolted a little. I don't see any damage to them and they don't act shy, they are still curious about me watching them.
I've had them about a week, they never showed any strange behavior except that they won't host the anemone I bought. they like my filter. They sort of have a voilent shiver that runs the length of their bodies and then they swim normally. when it happens the go sideways like in shock. what should I do?
i seriously think it could be showing submissivness to your other clown when i had 2 clowns one of them would do that to the female which was more dominant it was like he was shivering or having many miny seizures somewhat sideways lasting only a couple seconds(in the water not on a rock or sand or anything) and then swam fine. Does this sound like it is...or no?
well my female never did it, so im not sure do they seem to be nipping or chasing eachother?
Glad i could help but post if anything else happens just to make sure
Have you tested since you got them? I'd just make sure that with going from 1 fish to 3, you didn't stress your tank's bioload a little.
Nothing to worry about. My percs do the same thing. It's all part of the pairing/bonding routine. Eventually the dominant one will become the female and the other the male.
yup mine do the same thing, i was worried about my perc when i first got him because it saw it's reflection in the glass and started jolting and shaking, i thought he was nuts! but now that i have two clowns they constantly shake and "seizure" to show who's boss!