Originally Posted by edpete97
I have in the tank a Koran Angel. I just added a copper banded butterfly and the angel is harassing the crap out of the butterfly. Should I allow this to continue or intervene. I have a 90Gal with plenty of rockwork. Should I separate them immediately or will this cease?
Copperbands are pretty fragile fish, and no match for a pushy angel. My sense is that aggression might let up but not stop completely. Big angels dominate tanks and butterflies are good targets due to shape/size. You can rearrange the rock to see if that throws off the territory. You could remove the angel for a few days and allow the butterfly to settle in, or simply remove one of them. Large angels I've kept seem to pick on bf's, even if it's an occassional charge or chase. Some bf's are more rough and tumble and stand up well to this, but a copperband is not a sturdy fish to begin with. How large is the angel, btw. It will eventuallly need a tank twice the size of it's present digs.