Need Saltwater Tank Help


Active Member
well im running 2 aquaclear 300's on my 125 and a whisper 3 on my 55 with a fluval 304.I also use the whisper for my qt tank you just dont normally run them with amonia packs.but sponge and corbons are ok they will do the trick


New Member
Thanks for helping out. I was sure I would have to end up buying another 600.00 worth of stuff to save this fish, which by the way is doing nicely and has already eaten one of the Femal mollies I got.
He won't touch the frozen krill or Frozen Silverslides though. I picked up 4 female black mollies (down to 3 now) 2 Silver Male mollies and 2 Male black mollies. Hopefully they will have a chance to mate before he eats them all lol.
Thanks again for the help (and my Oscar loves the frozen Krill versus the freeze dried crap)
I was thinking of getting a Diatom Filter, Anyone heard anything good on these?? (yes I am aware they are not full time filters and should only be used rarely)


Active Member
glad we could help.loks like you mightwant to invest in a breeder tank for mollies too buying them all the time ohhhh my wallet hurts thinking about it lol
:cheer: to him eating now.guess even fish prefer fresh food over tv dinners


New Member
Uh yeah a breeder tank especially, in the span of two hours he ate 3 of the 6 black female mollies (we picked up 2 more tonite at ***** while we were there)
Breeder tank it will have to be lol


Active Member
I am still concerned it is a new tank with a lot of food, etc around - what is the ammonia, nitrite at?


New Member
The 29 Gallon is sitting at about 1ppm amonia, The tank hasn't cycled yet as it is only a couple days old but I am watching it and him closely. I am a disabled vet so all I have time to do is watch the tanks. I am keeping a very close eye on the tank.
Our local water supply when tested only showes chloramine and nothing else (besides flouride they put in there too) so we are good on that. No heavy metals or anything thankfully.
Once we move in may we will be having well water with nothing added so I can hardly wait for that.


Active Member

Originally posted by ophiura
I am still concerned it is a new tank with a lot of food, etc around - what is the ammonia, nitrite at?

i think this fish could survive in a swear from the loks of his natural habitat ack


New Member
Actually there isn't a lot of food around in his tank. I removed the stuff he wouldn't eat and the only other thing in there now is 3 Mollies, he ate the rest. Doesn't seem interested in the silver mollies though just the black ones.
Right now I am pricing 20L aquariums to use as a saltwater breeder tank for mollies. At the cost of Mollies, this could get expensive feeder fish.
But at least he is well off now and looking much better and more active (for as active as they get I guess lol) and I am betting my left Nut he will make it.
For some reason I have real great success with fish. Usually if people think my fish will croak, they don't. My Applesnails amaze the hell out of me, Mine Grow 4 times as fast as other peoples for some reason, And I don't do anything special that I know of.
Hopefully Saltwater will come as natural to me as Freshwater stuff.
Thanks again guys


Active Member
well you can try what i did and ask a local pet store for bulk pricing for the mollies.I know i paid a bit more than cost for them at 99 cants each but it sure beats the heck out of 2.50 to 3.00 per.i get my smaller tanks at cost luckily i work for a vet so i dont get the markup.I had a 20 gal tall in my shop for 3 yrs no one new how much it was so my boss gave it to me brand new at cost .we still havent figured out what he paid for it lol.I will suggest to you for breeding the mollies for food make sure to give them vitemins that will boost their nutritional value..but id still love to see pics of for saltwater comming naturally i think its easier to maintain myself few test few minor adjustments heer and there.I like it much better myself.we are going to be working on tank number 3 real soon.just have to build the stand and hood for it then we will be setting it up.


New Member

Here are some pics of him in the freshwater tank the same day I got him. Still not sure what the white spot on his head is, it looks as if there is no skin there and of course the pet store says it will go away eventually.