Need skimmer opinions-everybody please!


Active Member
you don't HAVE to use a skimmer, but some people prefer to as it can help with removal of DOC (dissolved organic compunds) which will help prevent unwanted algae growth, as well as oxygenate the water, add some (not much) volume to the system, as well as some (not much) current if it is a hang on the display type.
I personally use one, and always have, but there are others that dont. A friend doesnt on his tank, and my water quality is far superior to his however this is not always the case. Some skimmerless tanks do VERY well. as skimmers can also pull out some of the good along with the bad. Some run a skimmer, but only at night, or for a couple hours a day. Its really up to you.


Active Member
So when I get this thing, should I run it for only a few hours a day? I have a pretty light load (1 coral beauty, 1yellow watchman goby, a CBS, and the cleaners with about 6 different corals and about 20 lbs lr, all in a 29 gallon)


justinX- thanks for the solid input. I hate it when people tell me that I will be unsuccessful without a skimmer (LFS). I haven't used one since I started my tank and have not had any real issues with water quality. Is there a means to verify that my system is indeed healthy without the skimmer? Ya know how the LFS is about 20 different water tests "Oh, it's great, don't worry about it unless sh!t is dieing". thx man


I don't think it would be very good to turn you skimmer on and off a lot. Usually it's pretty hard on the pump. IMO, ofcourse.


Active Member
How about get a straw and suck it out.... sucker. :D
HA! I don't know it Berlin makes one for your size tank. But, I have one of their classic skimmers on mine and I love it. However, that's the only real one I know about.
What's the one you were asking about the other day, nap sack or something? :D ;) :D


Active Member
BAKPAK! Smarta$$.;) Hairtrigger, don't get excited, I know you'll take that wink the wrong way- the hairtrigger way! lol!!! I crack myself up.....:D Ok, the berlin is an idea, but costs more than what I'm getting this skimmer for. BTW- I'm geting some LR this week. You'd better hook up some freakin frags after I get all this stuff. And yes, we can oder some sand from SWF this weekend. Yeah, I want a piece of those green stars you got. I broke the piece of stars off of that piece w/ the zoos and shrooms on it, and I set the small piece of green stars up un the main piece of lr and the crab or shrimp moves it every night! I need to glue the thing down or something........... Oh well, so anyways, get those frags ready!:cool: