I have been watching this coral decline a week after I bought it. It was risky purchase and maybe I was too hopeful that I could be successful where others have failed. I know that it is a coral that people have little success with. I placed it first, in what I felt, was my best tank. I moved it when I felt that it would not recover. I did not want to wait too long because I knew that it was already stressed. First tank 2 400 watt MH. I moved it to my 125 with the refugium. This tank is more established with lower lighting, 2 175 watt MH. It had been there a couple of weeks with a steady decline. It looked as if it had a bacterial infection. I treated it and then I moved it to the refugium because the lighting was lower. Maybe too low but from what I have read these corals are being collected from deeper waters. It was a desperate act to move it to the refugium. The curious thing is that it looks much better. I admit that it was stupid of me to not to ask about the lighting until after I moved it. I have created another spot in the main where I am hopeful will be better. My plan is to leave it there and hope for the best.