Need some advice


hey everybody its been awhile since i was last here see some stuffs changed.
Well i started this thread because id kind of like some advice on this tough decision, Well today i was talking to my Girlfriend and she said one of her friends whos dating one of my friends might dump him. I asked her why her friend would dump my friend and she said that her friend was only dating my friend to annoy my girlfriends other friend. The girl my friend is dating is known for doing stuff like this and has previously cheated. I was gonna tell my friend this but my Girlfriend dosent want her friend to find out she told me this because then theyd probably have this big fight or something and my Girlfriend dosent want to get caught up in that or lose a friend. But should i really just keep quiet and not tell my friend all this? I dont want my friend to go through something bad like that but I also dont want my girlfriend to go through something bad either so......... What do you guys think i should do?


Active Member
If your girlfriend wants to KEEP a friend like that??
I'd be worried my friend...tell your friend, and I would suggest you both head out and find new ladies.


Active Member
You gotta wonder what type of person your girlfriend really is if she cares about having a friend that plays those kind of games. I say reveal all and sit back and watch the crap hit the fan


Active Member
just tell your friend... he will appreciate your honesty...
IMO it just a petty childish game...


Originally Posted by ophiura
If your girlfriend wants to KEEP a friend like that??
I'd be worried my friend...tell your friend, and I would suggest you both head out and find new ladies.
+1, this is solid advice. I've had lotsa girlfriends in my life, the number of *real* friends can be counted on one hand and I feel fortunate to have had that many. *Real* friends are those that are always honest with each other, always, no matter what, even if it will hurt, and these last lifetimes. Be a true friend.


You cant keep quite on this one...Put it this way, would you want to know?..If so, tell em...If not, call Jerry Springer...JK JK


I have a friend like that. Well, she isn't like that anymore, but she used to be that way. She was with one guy who was so sweet and good to her. She cheated on him many times. I couldn't tell him because it would betray her trust, at the same time my conscience got to me. I had one of his friends say that he saw her with another guy. It had to be done. His friend knew it had to be done as well. His friend was very glad that I told him and was happy to take the rap as "the messenger". It was hard to know and not say anything. Cheating is awful at any time. I have never done it and never plan to. If someone cheats then the relationship is over, sooner or later, the trust is gone.