Need Some Clarification




Originally posted by labar914
Thats what we have now, its a whole house thing, that diverts the water right when it comes in the house.

You have a whole house RO unit!?!?
Wish I did!! I have a water softener, but an RO unit... For the whole house!?!?



New Member

Originally posted by Tizzo
You have a whole house RO unit!?!?
Wish I did!! I have a water softener, but an RO unit... For the whole house!?!?


It has the UV and filters the lead, copper and what-not (something to do with a magnet I think) and the water softener but I never actually heard it called an RO unit, and it doesnt say that on it at all. It was here when we moved here.
I had freshwater in the 90 for the last 5 years and never had any water issues, I let it sit for 24-48 hours before using it and had great luck. I know of course salt requirements are different from fresh, but in general we have not had any significant concerns or problems with water quality.
All suggestions are worth being looked into though. The link about the bulbs just surprised me so much! WOW what a difference.


Holy C'moly. Somebody had $$ to spare!! If it was there when you moved in, I don't know how long ago that was, but if it was more than 8 months ago, you seriously want to consider changing out the filters... UV!! Sheesh!!


Active Member
Id be impressed if you had a RO unit on the house but really you should be using DI water if you intend on keeping a reef. I would suggest two things check the phospate level in the water as well as the tds. This will tell you how good your tap water is.


Active Member
Originally posted by MontiDanae
you shouldt get a lawnmower blenny right away, snails will work, the blennys eat alot of algae, they eat it all day, and thats the only thing, they need mature tanks filled with alage, unlease you ahve one trained to eat frozen foods or nori,
i got it cause my tank for some reason makes tonsa algae and also the pet store i got it from trains theres to eat algae waffers and its doin good.


Active Member
i have a question i know wht causes diatoms but what makes it spread so fast my tank was gettin really full of it really fast before i got my fish that eat that is it light or what cause seriously in less than 5 days for a while you couldnt see anything but diatoms on the sand it was really bad


Active Member
Id be impressed if you had a RO unit on the house but really you should be using DI water if you intend on keeping a reef. I would suggest two things check the phospate level in the water as well as the tds. This will tell you how good your tap water is.


Dont forget the third question!!!
3-Last but not least, I know you shouldnt put certain corals to closes to each other, but really what does that mean? Two inches between, six inches or just not touching? I am assuming it depends on the variety, but I havent found a general guide yet.
Im sure there are a few people (including me) who are waiting for someone to respond to this question... Is there a general spacing rule for corals and anenomes?


corals can sting other corals, not to mentin some corals wage Chemical warefare on other, SPS and softcorals, wage Chemical ware far, the soft corals stunt the growth of SPS corals, and if the SPS are down stream from the softs it could kill them after a while.


Active Member
Some corals also send out sweepers, kind of like fishing line that are able to sting other corals. There is no general rule, it is more coral specific if probably why ppl are not responding much. Anemones pretty much anything within physical proximity to it at full extention should be kept clear. It also depends on the anemone, my carpet stings the crap out of anything that gets close while my long tenticle doesnt bother anyone.


what kind of corals and aneneomes do you have, or is there a thread that i can search for that has a pic of your tank? what are some corals that you know wouldnt be good together? I dont want to screw up and kill a beautiful (and expen$ive) animal.


Active Member

Originally posted by Nero
what kind of corals and aneneomes do you have, or is there a thread that i can search for that has a pic of your tank? what are some corals that you know wouldnt be good together? I dont want to screw up and kill a beautiful (and expen$ive) animal.

I have no problem with shrooms, colt, and button polyps. I also have no problems with my zoo's or the leather corals. I will attach a pic.


Active Member

Originally posted by ams153
sorry i meant the anemone and the coral in each corner

Lol no ur right its two anemones, a carpet and long tenticle, drives the poor clown nuts trying to decide which to make home for the night :) They are the reason (well one of em) for the new tank :cheer: They have outgrown my tank and need more room.
FYI the started off each about 4 inches in size, now at full expansion about 11 and 9 inches. You may wonder if I was concerned about the two of em going to toxin war on each other but it never has been a problem. Mostly because the turnover rate on the tank is way high (around 24times an hour) and neither is downstream of each other, they both get a random blast from the wave generator.