Need some coral advice

I thinking of trying coral for the first time. What types of coral can i have under a PC for lighting? I know the first thing you guys are going to say is change the light but dont have the money for right now
. So any help?
dont make me I just bought new bulbs for my tank and the are being sent to me as we speak. Is there any way to keep clams in my tank too and if so which one?


Active Member
How many watts is your PC. I kept lots of different corals, including some lps under 260 watts of PC. But no, you can't keep a clam, sorry.


dependingon how many watts over how many gallons you should be able to keep zoas, shrooms, leathers, pretty much all softies and LPS like trumpets. Clams will not survive.


Active Member
I have 130 watts of PC lighting on a 29 gallon tank. Current corals are 2 frogspawn, 1 branching hammer, 2 different xenia, various zoo frags, various mushrooms (including ricordia), Green Star Polyps, Colt coral, and a gorgonian. You can keep pretty much any soft coral and the easier LPS corals with PC lights.