!!!!!!!!!!!Need Some Corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone....
i am really happy because i just got my new lights and need some help picking out some corals......
i have 1x175W HQI, 2x65W CF, and 4xbluemoon LED
56 gallon tank
45 lb of life rock
3 demsels
1 snail
10 hermits
i want my tank to look like the ones u guys have....my tank its only two months old...


Active Member
start by adding a clean up crew and then decide weather you want to keep your damsels ...then decide on your level.. aggresive or docile.... if you want a reef then go docile.. check you calcium and alk and get that stabile then you can add a softy or two.


i kind of want some specific names of corals that i can keep in my tank..........is there any corals that are pretty easy to keep.........maybe ones that are not delicate.??????do you think i shoud get rid off my demsels???


Active Member
if your going reef ..... your best bet is to test your calcium and alkalinity levels.. these are what your corals will live on.. also your lighting...
zoos are hardy and mushroom are good beginner stuffs..
damsels can become a pain for more peaceful fish like chromis and clowns