Need some Green Thumb advice

Ok right now I have a dwarf tangerine tree. It's had pretty good growth but it's leaves, mainly the old ones on the bottom, have slowly been turning yellow. I've looked all around the neighborhoods and other people's dwarf citrus trees are also turning yellow, but look alot worse. Is there anything I can do for my tree, or is this just a natural part of their life? I live In Katy, Texas btw so the climate should be good for it.


check with the local greenhouse/nurseries they are suseptable to a disease and fungual infections but the nursery will be able to tell you what diseases are in hte area and the best treatment for them.


Fruit trees should be sprayed with something from the local garden center to prevent diseases each year or season depending on the area. I would pinch off the really bad leaves to start. How much water is it getting? Have you had bad weather lately, or a colder winter than normal?
Give some more info and it will be easier to determine what it wrong.
Well apparently this was a record in low temperature in South Texas, but almost every day I would take the tree inside at night to avoid the cold. Also, I try to make sure it's soil is at least damp, but I may have missed some times. I looked up online and an article said that it should recieve fertilizer with ammonium-N. Any ideas?


the in and out action maybe where its coming from if the outside temp and inside temp is different it will cause stress also some trees dont like to be moved alot.
when was the last time you fertilized it?
Mabye last month with some miracle grow, the little sticks you push in the ground and then put water on. Should I do it more consistantly?


Your leaves could also be burning from water on them in the hot sun, or a cold temperature.
Also, don't get fertleizer on the leaves! It will burn the trees leaves a possibly kill it.