Need some help choosing a wrasse for my 175



I am using a API kit, and I will get a Nitrate reading of 60. And I know that is not good, cuz it makes the water toxic-? Am I right-? I am about to change my skimmer to a Bermuda, but I'm not sure if I can put it in the refugium, were my caulpera is. I don't have a lot of room under my tank. I am going to do a water change tonight of 20 %. Is 20% good for water changes every two weeks for a 175-? Maybe I should increase-? I hate Nitrates !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
I am using a API kit, and I will get a Nitrate reading of 60. And I know that is not good, cuz it makes the water toxic-? Am I right-? I am about to change my skimmer to a Bermuda, but I'm not sure if I can put it in the refugium, were my caulpera is. I don't have a lot of room under my tank. I am going to do a water change tonight of 20 %. Is 20% good for water changes every two weeks for a 175-? Maybe I should increase-? I hate Nitrates !!

Campbell is the Angel expert, but yeah I would try to get the trates down for your Queen as they can be very sensitive.
I'm doing 20 gallon changes on my 240 every Monday right now, I may up it to 25 gallons once the last 2 fish go in....What is your sump like? maybe you could do a hang on in there
Aqua C makes good hang ons too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Unfortunately the way my sump is, the gate is turned away from me....I had it pretty much wide open at first, I have since restricted the flow a bit, but not sure how much
I will crawl in and see later....The air valve I have figeted with a bit, but typically kind of low air intake....How about you?
I have the gate valve almost open (just a 1/2 turn from wide-open) and the air valve just a bit closed. I have plugged that JG fitting next to the air valve (would recommend you do it as well) as when you close the air valve, the skimmer will start to stuck in air from that fitting which can lead to inconsistent settings. I just used a bit of RO line and some foam stuffed in there.
I also have a Mag 18 (I think you have a Mag 12?) as the pump, so I think that may lead to some differences


U know what, KJR, a hang on might be good for me. I can just hang it on the side of the sump, but will it work as good as a regular one-? Which Aqua C should be good -?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
U know what, KJR, a hang on might be good for me. I can just hang it on the side of the sump, but will it work as good as a regular one-? Which Aqua C should be good -?
I may have mis-spoke on that, I was thinking the Aqua C Remora was available for larger than it is, they just go up to 120 it looks like....The Corallife SuperSkimmer 220 can be done as a hang-on. Its rated for up to 220 gallon, pretty affordable too...Some say they can be a bit tempermental though.


Ok, I'll check it out. I got the Bermuda on the way, so I might stay with that, and figure a way to hook it up. Thanks


Active Member
I know it may not be the most appealing, but what about just sticking the skimmer on the side of the tank? This is how I have mine. I just toss a towel over it to hide it if I people over. Going to build a 3 sided box for it when I get some free time.


Thanks for the pic Aqua, I might give it a shot. But I'm really down right now.
The Queen I got last night died this afternoon. And I have my Nitrates to blame. I am so depressed, my LFS said they'll get me another one for free, but I gotta get my Nitrates down. So far I remove my bio-balls and added live rock in the sump. I'm doing 20% water changes every two weeks.I even tested the new water in the 20 gallon trash can I mix the water in,and the reading are fine. So something in my tank are causing the Nitrates to be high. Maybe cuz I need a better skimmer -?