Need some help on LR and LS


ok i can get some cheep LR at my GF university.. they are selling the stuff as they are done with there save the nemo project...
Live Rock
Small, aged pieces (covered on coralline algae)
for .75c/lbs ya i know the price is good but is the LR? will i have trouble with there LR?
or would you get some from your LFS
and they have LS there for cheep to 4000 lbs for .50c/lbs ( i don't want to just though out my CC could i get some LS and add it to my CC? or not?


Active Member
There's no telling if you'll have problems with their LR.
As far as mixing the sand and CC, I don't think you are supposed to mix the two. It's either one or the other.


Originally Posted by Schadiest1
There's no telling if you'll have problems with their LR.
would there be a differnce from buying it from lfs or the BIO lab at the university?
i know that lfs keeps getting new stuff in and the uni, has been in there tanks for ??????????? long
and what is covered on coralline algae???? does that normally come if you buy it from your LFS?


Coralline algae is the hard purple (or sometimes green or other colors, but most often purple) algae that grows on the rock (or on the sides of your tank, or even on slow moving snails). It's considered pretty desirable to have it on the rock. If conditions are right (good calcium level) it will spread to other rock in the tank.
If they've had the lr in their tank and have been keeping livestock in it, then the rock is most likely cured and should be ok in your tank.
Great prices!
Jump on it while you can!!!!


Active Member
I think it will be fine. Looks like they are taking care of it too if that's their picture. You have just begun your cycle right? Seriously, I'd chuck your crushed coral and jump on that sand too.
There are numerous posts of people regretting having cc. Look at this Crushed Coral


Ya you can't or shouldn't just add sand to CC. At that price I would just go and get some live rock. I mean 75 cents a pound. Live rock can run like $5-10 a pound!