Need some help, please.


New Member
Hi everyone,
I have a quick question. I have a relativly new tank but it has already cycled. Water chemistry is good. Amonia 0-ppm, nitrites 0-ppm etc..
I am not happy with the amount of crushed shell and sand in the tank. Would it hurt the tank to add another layer of media on top of the current media? Would it be safe to do it a small layer at a time?


How deep is the current tank bed? What is in the tank currently (rocks, fish, corals, inverts) How long has it been cycled?


New Member
Right now it's fish only. Three damsels, one clown, two atlantic anenomes and eight turbo snails. It has been cycled about a week now and the bed averages around two inches. The tank is 75 gallons.


if it has only been a week and you have that kind
of a bioload I definatly would not make any changes. sit tight for awhile and think about it.
more c.c. only means more cleaning and it it to new to disrupt.


New Member
Thanks Guys,
I kinda figured since it did cycle it was probably ok. I think I will wait awhile but sometime in the future I would like to add some only if it's just for looks. I just didn't want to screw things up.


I had this problem in a reef tank when it was first setup. I wanted a deeper sand bed but the tank was already established. What we did was add a cup of sand a day...thats it. By doing it this way, you don't cloud the water, you don't affect any cycling or bio-filtration, and slowly you'll get the desired depth. It takes patience and time, but it certainly works!


wow that is a big bioload for such a new tank. with a saltwater tank you have t go slow or it could end up in a disaster. also having anemones in such a new tank isnt such a good idea. anemones should only be placed in and established aquarium. most have very poor survival rates and they need perfect water conditions. new tanks can have several fluctuation in water parameters through the first 6 months or so and this can affect them. just let your tank go for a good while before changing or adding anything. when you are ready you can add more sand on top of your old stuff a good idea is not to add more than 1/4" at a time because you should let the critters in the sand have a littl time to populate the new sand