Need some help with a Bermuda 3C



Hey guys ! Hope all is well. I got my 3C last night and I hooked it up in the refugium. I need a little help setting it up. Well, I got it up and running. The pump is in the first chamber in the sump before the skimmer. I made room for the 3C in the middle of the sump,where I'll put the cheato. Now I'm a little confused about the Outlet for the skimmer. Right now the return pipe is about an half inch above the water and its crashing down onto my sand and blowing it around.I am not sure if the pipe suppose to be submerged in the water or above the water. And I read on the instructions that if the piping is upwards it will overflow over the vent. I was thinking of putting a bulkhead where the elbow of the outlet is and add a 1in pipe and bring it over to the 3 rd chamber where my main pump is. -? The main problem right now is the blowing of the sand, and that its getting into the display.


Maybe Chilwil, Mojo or Frank the tank can help me out,

thanks !


Active Member
you could get a new 90 and homedepot usually sells 4' lengths of pvc and extend it under water. another thought as i am typing is to put a 45 on the end of the pipe thus extendin it an inch or so and also anglin the water so it doesnt directly exit at the sand.


Thanks Chilwil, I'll try it out tonight. So do you think I should move it over to the third chamber-? Or leave it where it is with a 45 on the end.-?


Your water level should be around 8 inches and hte return line should point down and will be under the water level. This is how they say to install it. I have the same skimmer. I called them :)


What pump dod you ge to run it as well? My pump and skimmer are in the same chamber. of my sump. Its a pretty tight fit but I was able to squeeze it all in there. I almost plumbed it external with a bulkhead through the side for the discharge. The downpipe that came with the skimmer is only a couple of inches from the bottom. What kind of water level are you running in that chamber? When I spoke to bermuda about the skimmer discharge I was concerned about it being under water. The needlewheel skimmers I owned had issues with this. But my etss sump buddy discharge was under water and they told me that it will be fine. As long as there is nothing to clog the downpipe the level will stay consistant and you should never have a issue. I have not had an issue with mine at all.
From skimmers I have owned in the past I have had that water splashing around sound and couldnt stand it. Once you plumb it with the downpipe below water level and not where there is sand you should be fine. Good luck and let me know if you have any other issues I can help you with.


Thanks for all the info guys, I really appreciate it. I have a few questions. How long does it take to produce some skimmate-?
I was thinking right away for me,since my nitrates are high, and that I've been without a skimmer for a month. Also where should the water line be-? Mine is about 1in from the top chamber.
I did manage to remove the 90 degrees elbow it came with, and installed a 6in PVC over to the third chamber, with a 90 degrees elbow with a pipe leading down to the water next to the main pump. I'll have some pictures soon.


the water line will be to 2 inches below. It will take a little bit for it to break in. There is residue on the plastic from when they make the units that takes it a while to wear off sort of speak. Pics would be great. When I get my camera back I ll take some of mine as well.


Sorry I dont always type so well. I meant to say 1 to 2 inches. You will be fine as long as everything loks ok it will eventually start to make a foam head they call it. And you will be making stinky stuff in no time.


I am guessing that right now with it all running you are getting bubbles in the main chamber and they are just kinda popping at the top correct. They havent started to build up yet. Also what pump did you choose to run it?


Yea, the bubbles are on top,they are just popping up by the top chamber. Looks like its getting there. I am using a MAG 7, that I had from my old skimmer, but by next week, I'll get the Mag 9.


Looking good. Did that help when you put the output below the water level? IS that a mag 7 or a similar pump? From the pics the pump doesnt look like mydanner mag drive 7. You said you are putting in a bigger pump but it looks pretty good. Looks like the foam head is starting to build. How long have you had it running?


Hey Mojo ! The pump you see in the pic is for my UV, I forgot to mention that,
. The Mag 7 is behind that pump. It help a 100 % when I put the output below the water level. I guess I'm getting a good flow, because where the water is coming out, I am seeing a lot of bubbles. The foam head is buliding up a little bit. Its been running for two days. Its collecting a little bit of water


As the head forms you will get less water collecting in the cup. I am glad that that wasnt the pump. lol. this skimmer as do alot of them take about a week or so to really kick in. I have heard of people simmers taking upwards of two weeks. And it really isnt the load in your tank as much as is it any oils from your hands being in the water anything on the surface of the skimmer from being made. Alot of people will was them in vinegar to help remove stuff from them as well. I would leave it right where it is and just let it go for a couple more days just keeping an eye on it. I had an ETSS sumbuddy 40 that took about 10 days before it really kicked in and it ended up being a great skimmer as well. Hope that this all helps.


BTW I am running the mag 7 but my pump is straight down from the inlet where as yours goes around a couple bends I see. The upgraded pump might make a differance for you.


Yea, I'm looking around for a Mag 9. So maybe even two weeks before I see some skimmate, I don't mind. I'm happy that I got a great skimmer. I was wondering, do you think that the skimmer would affect the chaeto that I'm getting soon-? Meaning that the skimmer is in the place where I suppose to put the cheato-?