I have been doing a lot of research and planning before i make any purchases, and before now i thought i wanted to buy a larger 75G sized tank but now i think i wan't to go the nano route (even though i have read it's harder to maintain) I feel i will be dedicated enough to keep it healthy. Anyways, i now have been thinking of maybe around a 25 gallon tank. I want to keep Corals (not sure on the specific kinds yet) a few fish, and of course inverts. my list of fish and inverts looks like this so far:
2 percula clown fish
1 boxing crab
yes...that's all I am currently "positive" that i wan't, however i was wondering if there are any small starfish, such as the Fromia Starfish, that i could keep in a 25G tank?
Also, I noticed many people have small angelfish in nano tanks, would i be able to have one with everything else in there? and if so, what are the small types that could be possiblities?
thanks to all, i know i have asked a lot of questions on this message board, but i wan't to be 100% positive with everything before i start, i would hate to accidently be harming any fish or corals.
2 percula clown fish
1 boxing crab
yes...that's all I am currently "positive" that i wan't, however i was wondering if there are any small starfish, such as the Fromia Starfish, that i could keep in a 25G tank?
Also, I noticed many people have small angelfish in nano tanks, would i be able to have one with everything else in there? and if so, what are the small types that could be possiblities?
thanks to all, i know i have asked a lot of questions on this message board, but i wan't to be 100% positive with everything before i start, i would hate to accidently be harming any fish or corals.