NEED some help with diy overflow


hey guys - anybody ever make a diy overflow? i found some plans on a different forum - (sorry lol) and i just have one question i guess. the unit will hang on the back of tank, but it will be about 2" higer than the tank. does it matter? i mean does it need to be level with tank or below level? looks to me like it should not matter but i want to be sure. hate to go thru all the work to have to take it apart again. i have attached a diagram ( it is bad - i dont have skills lol) of the basic idea. anybody have any advice or thoughts on the subject? tks


Active Member
If you reverse the two boxes it will work. But the way it is now will not work. It might even back siphon into the tank.


Mine is about 6-8 inches deep and about 8 inches wide. It will be able to pull the water in the box over the wall fine. The water level when the return power is off needs to be above the bottom ends of the u-tube on both the inside and outside boxes (by like an inch or alittle more) to keep your siphon. You can do this by placing a stand pipe in the outside box or using a baffle in the outside box


alright. i made my drawing a little better so it is easier to understand. check it out. this does work, i made one. just need to make sure u use large enough pipe diameter to make sure drain is faster than return. i am aslo thinking about the undertank bucket system that i have tried to describe in the attached drawing. let me know if i am not seeing things correctly so i dont flood my home. thanks.


alright - i was thinking that it would be easier to just put a bucket under the tank on top of sump/ refugium and have drain hole in bucket same as hang on pichter in other version and drain right into sump/refugium. wouldnt that work and create a stronger syphon with the tank drain well below the tank? or am i not seeing the big picture. it cant overflow your bucket since water will stop draining at desired water level. seems to me this would work and give more options instead of trying to find something that fits behing your is a drawing of what i was thinking for undertank overflow.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius http:///forum/post/2848463
Maybe something here that helps....
thanks great info. but do u not think my idea would work? it wont lose syphon, it wont overflow. also i am only using this in case of power failure. my scrubber runs off its own syphon but in case of power outage i only have drain pipe in tank about one inch so sump/ref. can handle water till syphon breaks. i have a check valve on return line so it cant syphon back also. then when power returns overflow will take care of return water till i start scrubber syphon again. thoughts. thanks.