Need some help


This is my christmas present :)
I have a 30g FOWLR but I have no idea where to start with a 125g(soon to be FOWLR). It came with two overflows (as you may see on the pic) and the glass top. My parents spent lots of $$ on this, so now I'm on my own for the xtras. First with the filtration: I was thinking of building my own wet/dry, I bought that big plastic storage container (50g) to start with the plans, but right now I don't think it even fits under there. Do you think it's better to buy the trickle filter? should I try DIY? which pump do you recommend to take the water back up? :help:


IMO I'd try the DIY method if you feel confident. I all you've got is the tank right now you'll need to save all the money you can for other accessories. That being said, I plan to build my own wet/dry but have no experience.
Have you tried using the "search" to look at previous threads? I remember seeing one a while back that gave some instruction on how to do it.
Good luck!


I've seen lots of plans... but I am aware that I'm a newbie at nope..I don't have the confidence :nope:
but I'm looking for someone who has the experience on this kind of setup, 125g (Agressive), to give me some hints...


Active Member
Perhaps if you post in the Aggressive Fish forum, you'll get some more help. :)


but I'm looking for something more like a 150g rated, since it's going to be an aggressive setup.


i'd depend on your overflow/bulkhead size. Whatever you overflow is rated for I'd round up to the nearest mag and use it like say 1175 i'd use a mag 12 with the headloss it would even out