Need some help!


Let me start by saying I have a 29 gallon tank that has been set up for about a year and half. I have a bio wheel filter, protein skimmer, and 2 powerheads (added them yesterday). Occupants include
3 hermit crabs, snail, chocolate chip starfish, a percula clown, and a pygmy angel. I plan to add a six line wrasse as soon as I find one.
A little history for you. I started my tank all wrong. My tank about six months ago was on over load. I didn't do much research on the fish I purchased when I started my tank. To make a long story short I was stupid and inpatient. I have since started over.
My only problem now is my PH. I can't seem to get it stable. I do weekly 20% water changes. But it seems every time I do a water change my PH bottoms out (7.8). Advice given to me in the past from LPS was to Buffer, Buffer and Buffer the tank until it got the PH to where it should be. But after reading some of the post on here it looks like that is just temporaly solving the problem. Am I right? If so all my problems in the past makes complete since now. I also had no idea what my Ca or Alk levels were so I tested them yesterday. The Ca was around 300 (Low) and the Alk was 6.0 (high) my PH is 8.2 (as of now). I added Ca to my tank yesterday and plan to do a 20% water change tonight. But I'm worried my PH is going to bottom out again. What should I do? I don't want to lose my new fish!! I guess I just need some major help. I get mixed answers from LPS and I just want to do what is best for my tank. Thanks for your help!!!


Sheesh!! Which salt mix are you using that has calcium AND alk levels to low??
Low calcium can be due to low magnesium levels also.
When I am in your predicament, that 2 part B-ionic works wonders for me!!


Hopefully NM reef, ophiura, or Thomas will see this thread and help you out.
I use Seachem pH buffer 8.3 because I had a problem where by pH was too low once (7.9, almost like yours) and I haven't had a problem since. Since yours in recurring though I'd definitely try to get to the bottom of the problem. I hope one of our resident experts comes to your rescue. :) Good luck!



Originally posted by MandySam
I get my water from a LPS. Would that be part of the problem?

The water you get from the LFS, is it premixed or is it just RO water??
If it's premixed then you might wanna buy just plain RO water and a batch of salt and start mixing it yourself...


I just noticed something when I reread your thread. You said your alk is 6 and you put high.
There are 2 ways to measure your alk and I won't pretend to know the difference but there is dKH and meq/L.
If your measurement of 6 was in dKH then it's low, but if your results are given in meq/L, then it's very high as you have stated. Lemme know which one you were referring to. If it was meq/L then STOP adding your "buffer", and you'll hafta find out what's wrong.


It's 6.0 in meq/L. I've been buying the pre mixed salted RO from the LPS. I guess I should try mixing my own. Is there a brand of salt that you recommend? How often do you test your water?


Holy C'moly!! Yeah, stop adding the buffer, that's whats raising your alk. I cannot recomend a salt really people have had much succes with various mixes...I prefer Oceanic myself, but that's mostly because it gives me good calcium and Mag.levels and disolves really well.
How often do I test...
To tell you the truth, I don't test often. I test my calcium and alk about every 2 weeks or so. Usually only my alk is a little low and I correct that with a buffer or my B-ionic, what ever I'm in the mood for that day.
It is possible that your magnesium levels are low, resulting in low calcium levels and the alk was raised by you adding all that buffer.
For convenience sake, by a gallon of your LFS water and a magnesium test kit. If that's the prob, it can be remedied by magnesium supplements and you can continue to use LFS water.


I haven't had my magnesium levels tested. I will do that tonight. I will also have them test there water for magnesium and see what's up. Thanks for the advice.