Need Some Ideas


Active Member
I am taking metal tech in school now and was wondering if anyone has any good ideas that I can make for a final welding project. I would like to make something for my tank but Im not sure what. Any ideas are welcome.


maybe a stand but thats about it anything else would rust through and cause damage in the tank inhabitants.


A T-Rex I saw one at a metal fabrication shop a few years ago. It was the skeleton. I though it was amazing. It was scaled down of course.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
how about makeing me some rails to go around DT,so im not constantly telling neigborhood kids "stop tapping on the glass......dont put hand prints on the glass.....dont try and feed the fish PB and J..."


Active Member
if i were you and i had a truck i would make something for that, but thats just me... for the aquarium you could build a mount for some lights or a stand... you could build a coffee table and put in glass and make a coffee table aquarium... now that would be cool


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
if i were you and i had a truck i would make something for that, but thats just me... for the aquarium you could build a mount for some lights or a stand... you could build a coffee table and put in glass and make a coffee table aquarium... now that would be cool
That is a very good idea. How would something like that be lit and filtered though?


you would have to make it sit alittle bit higher and use a inline type filter that can go underneath it or by an internal filter in a houseing in the middle of the tank. kinda like a cylinder overflow that has a filter in it that is pumped back into the main water of the tank somehow.
do a search for coffe table tanks and look at some of them and see if you tall where all the plumbing is at.