Need some info about salt tank.


I'm new at this so give me a chance to learn how to do this.
I need to know how long after you have a saltwater crash
that you can add a few things back.It has been a year.
I have a few fish and a few mushrooms, that is all.
It is a 55gal tank.
Can you help me???


I have a 55gal tank.
Protine skimmer,bottom 3box fliter,3 /405 power heads,
live sand about 3"thick all the way through,live rock
300lbs, about 10lbs of lace and I call it dead rock.They
an't nothing on it!I bought it out of the box.
Now fish wize,I have 2 brittle stars,3 flower anomies,
2 umbrella mushrooms,a few green pollips.They won't stay alive.
Fish, 3 blue damsels,1cromie and 2 happy clowns,2 fire fish.
The clean up crew with a arrow crab.That is it.
The tank crashed when we went Rockcrawling and my
mom fed for me,when I came back.I had lost tuns of stuff
now this is all Ihave left.
I keep everthing changed,water changes are done usually
on sundays 5 gal.I have had this same set up for 3 years
never had this to happen.I want to start to add fish
again, just don't know how to pick the nice one's.
I had a jaw fish,I had to giveit away the blue guys hated her'
and wanted her for food.what do I do???



Originally posted by toytek
what do I do???

Don't want to sound like I'm doggin ya but how about your test scores? Do you add any additives like alkalinity or calcium?
You have given us some good information so far but I would also like to ask about your lighting? What type of lighting is it and how old are the bulbs, what kind? do you know the k rating of the bulbs?


I'm already getting dogged!HEHEEEEE!Just kidding.
Test -nitrate-0.5,nitrite-0,I never have that.ammonia-0,i don't
have a problem with,is hard for me to keep it perfact,
for some reason it is,7.8-8.0,I put in Kent ph buffer.
Salt reads,1.022-1.024I never let it get any higher.I'm always having to add water weekly to keep it down.This is what I add.
Reef Iodine weekly,Reef Complete 2 times a week,Reef cal.2
times a week,biozine 2 times a month,phyto plex,daily.
Along with the live brine shrimp, or frozen,when mine don't
hatch,the frozen mult.pack.
I have a coral life acttinic blue 50/50 40 watt10k,it is 3 months
old just got it in July,another light that is a fresh/saltwater
40watt???(I have no ideal how many k's)It is a year old.
The filter was a 3 stack filstar,I put all new stuff in it every month.
I use stress coat when I do a water change.
That is all I put in the tank.I think??
All looks good, I just want fish that will have a long period
of life.I don't want to go back out and spend x amount of
$$$$ and when I come home, my mom crashes the tank for me.
I have a food feeder, are they safe to use while you are gone.
I never hooked mine up.
Thanks for the reply,