need some info


New Member
I am woundering if i could get some help. I went and got a book from the libary and have been reading it BUT what I want to know is.....
I want to change my 20 gal high freshwater tank into a saltwater tank. Can that be done using the whisper filter i have already? Any info u can give me would be great. My brother said it can be done with a 20 gal. He has a 55 gal saltwater tank but lives to far away to come help me.
Any help I can get would be greatful. I know very little about saltwater (thats why i went to the libary). Only that everything cost a lot more than freshwater. And the fish are more pretty.
Thank You


what model whisper do you have? it may be able to work if you can circulate enough water. what type of setup are you thinking about, fish only or reef?


I had a 20 long in college with a whisper, but for added circulation I stuck in a power head as well. SWF need more water movement than fresh. I kept only damsels and they did fine, but then damsels generally would survive everything.
It is a fun and expensive hobby in the beginning, but proper research and equipment will pay off.


Active Member
My advice would be to upgrade from the whisper to a sump type set up or some sort of canister filter. The whipser would do ok as long as you kept your bio load low. Or your amount of fish. Also do you plan on having live rock in your tank? If so you may be able to just stay with the whisper. We need more info to answer the question.


New Member
TY for the replies......
as for what type of whisper i have i actually have 2 of them on this tank.....they are secondnature whisper power filter junior size (but like i said i have 2 on this tank).
as for what i want fish only or reef im not sure yet. still reading up to decide what we want.
any info about fish only and info about reef would be great.