Need some measurements


I am up grading from a 75g to a 135g.I also have a 20g long.I'm going to try my hand at making a sump/refugium.The tank [75g] is currently a FOWLR.May try some reef life in the future.I am looking for the "foot print" of a an ASM skimmer or perhaps an a better skimmer.Also the foot print of a mag7 or mag9 pump so that I can plan my baffle placements.MY 75g has a wet dry with a single 600gph overflow.I think I'll get a dual[2 U pipe overflow} 1200 gph so I think the mag7 or mag 9 will do for a return pump.Any measurements are good and all opinions are welcomed.
ps Darn refractometer.


well i heard bad things about the asm's made out of plastic
im going to be getting an octopus 200 nw i think for my 55 its a lil much for a 55 but i plan on going up in size in about a year and using the 55 as a sump so i mite as well go big
the 200 nw footprint is
24 high
they are also alot more inexpensive
its rated up to a 175ish but can do more i here
and is 200 bucks
asm g2 is liek 250 soo
i will also be gettin an eshopps overflow i think with a mag12 return
ill have a ton of flow in this baby
i may not even need need powerheads