need some new fish suggestions


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon reef with a yellow tang, a foxface, two false percs, a lawnmower blenny, and a flame angel. i want to get a couple more fish, because i recently got a drilled tank and have and extra 25-30 gallons of water, so about 100 gallons total. im thinking about a midas blenny, but i dont want to stop there. any suggestions, i want a bright colorful fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
do the goby and shrimp go together or something?
The shrimp digs a burro or house for him and the goby. The Shrimp maintains the 'house' moving dirt, rubble, sand out of its way (this is why you need solid foundations with these guys). And the goby just watches and if a 'preditor' comes by it shoots back into the 'house'. They are pretty neat to watch. Just don't buy a pistol shrimp were Pez got his from.
The bangiis would work but I can see a problem with territory witht he LMB and Midas blenny.