need some opinions



I need some help! I really would like to start a salt water tank, but I have never had a large fish tank. The most experience of tanks I've had were when I was a teenager and had betas. They had little 2 gal tanks with filters (not sure what they were) and little air stones. I admit I truly had no idea what I was doing! They did quite well considering their owners lack of knowledge. Well, now being older and wiser, I have read several books on both fresh and saltwater fish and want to start a saltwater tank. I hate to say I have no interest in fresh water tanks. I know many hobbyists cut their teeth on these, but do you HAVE to start with them? Can I just start with a FOWLR tank? Something simple with a few hardy fish like damsels? What do you think? Any and all opinions are welcome! Thanks--Rei


go for it you dont have to start with freshwater i didnt one thing you could do is buy the book called conciencious marine aquarist it will tel you everything you need to know


I've already read that twice! I think it's a great book! Did you have any big problems with starting your tank, hawthorn?


Active Member
You've already starting doing the right thing. Researching and asking questions.
What sets saltwater apart from fresh is the endless options.
As you research start asking yourself some important questions:
1. How much money do I have to contribute to the hobby? Not just start up but maintenance as well.
2. How much time do I have to contribute to the hobby? Some kinds of set up require more effort than others.
3. Do I want to go with fish only or a reef tank?
4. Is it possible I'll start with fish and then want to convert to reef?
Once you get zoned in on those questions you can better decide what direction you want to go in.
Keeping swf is not hard. But, it does require patience and a willingness to learn.
If all this sounds good then press on.
Good luck and keep on learning!


Active Member
i have never kept freshwater. i have three saltwater tanks. decide what your tank is going to be before you start. do not skimp on lights. if you want to have a reef tank eventually just get the right lights from the beginning or else you will have pc that are not strong enough and you will have wasted 100.00 dollars for nothing. if you have the good lights from the beginning you can just get what you want this is from experience. go with the biggest tank you can afford and have room for. have enough money for the majority of your live rock from the beginning adding big chunks of live rock later can cause problems.