Need someone to adopt my Mandarin Dragonet


Hi everyone! recently, the boyfriend went the the LFS to "surprise me with a new beautiful fish". What the LFS did was sell him a Mandarin Dragonet. :mad: I tried to take the fish back because my tank is only about a month old, but the Lfs wont take him
, please, if there is anyone that has room for him and the established tank for him, please take him. i dont want him to die. I have been buying live copepods, but unfortunately that is very expensive, and there is no way to make sure that kermit (the mandarin) is getting any.

you can e-mail me at


I have been told that brine shrimp will still eventually starve the fish because there is no nutritional value.


those are beautiful fish, and if my tank wasn't so overpopulated right now i would happy to adopt it....especially since you aren't too far from me....but i can't help you right now.....


Mine will eat brine and Mysis but i think his favorite food is blood worms.. I dont know how nutritonal they are so i only give him those every so often. I have heard if you soak your brine in zoe that it will get more of what he/she needs. good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hottie79
I have been told that brine shrimp will still eventually starve the fish because there is no nutritional value.

Exactly. Even IF the mandarin will except brine it has zero nutritional value and the mandarin will eventually die of malnutrition.


I have a 30 gallon reef tank with 65 lbs of live rock and massive amounts of pods, even 15 lbs of rock in the fuge to keep the population going. I only have 2 percs in the tank with a bunch of corals and I was planinng to add one last fish , mandarin was it.
Will you ship the mandarin, I would love to have him but I am in NY.


you can buy live pods. go to about 20 bucks for 500. I put some in my 75 reef just to boost population. Mandarin should eat that, unless it is too far gone. I do not recommend shipping in this condition.


The pods purchase is a good idea-mine eats Live black worms, also purchased at the local fish store. put a few right in front of Kermits nose and he will skoff them up. They live for quite a while in the refrig. Also buy some more live rock. See if your dealer will sell you some from one of their established tanks. My fish store will sell me just about anything from any tank. You can safely add a piece of live rock about every week with no detrimental effects on your tank.


if you go at low tide , and turn over a few rocks , shells, boots, or anything else laying around, I bet you will find amphipods, I see them all the time, scoop them up with a brine shrimp net or even a cup . acclimate them to your tank water in a seperate container, once acclimated let them sit in some new tank water for a while ,drain , them toss em in. I wouldn't dump any of the water they were harvest in into the tank.