Need someone who has experience


I have a few questions about clownfish and their compatibility with other fish.
I have about a 35 gallon tank. Some fish i would like to put into it are:
true percula clown--1-2
black percula--1
royal gramma --1
And does anybosy have any other suggestions on other fish
I am going to put a couple corals in there and maybe some live rock, so i am not going to go totally all out reef aquarium
please respond:help: :help: :help:

bang guy

3 Clownfish only has a small chance of working. I would suggest sticking to a single pair of same species clownfish.
The Gramma and Cardinalfish are fine but that will fill your tank. Perhaps a Clown Goby, a Neon Goby, or a Barnacle Blenny will fit but wait until you tank fully matures.
For the Cardinalfish I would suggest either an Aquacultured Banggai or a PJ.


what if i got a pair of black percula and a pair of true percula and some other fish
would that work?
some people say that i shouldnt have coral until my tank fully matures?

bang guy

Let me rephrase my answer :)
Anything other than a single or same-species pair only has a small chance of success.


I would stay away from damsels also, they are very aggersive fish, I had some and I could not add any more fish they would just kill the rest.
also becareful not to overload your tank it says 35 gal. and you are talking about alot of fish


Three clownfish in such a small tank is a recipe for disaster. I like BangGuy's suggestions of a clown goby and/or a couple of neon gobies. I have two tank raised neon gobies and they are incredibly personable and entertaining.
For the clowns, you could match up a black & white A. ocellaris with an orange & white A. ocellaris. Or you could try matching an A. percula with a black & white A. ocellaris.
My A. ocellaris pair:


what do you guys think about a black percula and a true orange percula , royal gramma, and a bangai cardinal fish
im not gonna get coral but maybe some live rock and some fake coral at my lfs
p.s. also a chocolate chip star (someone recommended it to me on a different thread)