Originally Posted by AW2x3
it astounds me the way people, in this hobby, think. "Well, I bought something and now I dont want it...I'll just kill it...it's just a fish."
In the case of the original poster (Garnet) specifically, IMO it more or less depends on whether or not Garnet has exhaused all other means. Of course, it has a lot of different extents to which it can be taken. I built an entire new system once just so I wouldn't have to get rid of a $20 Urchin who was destroying my reef, but that's an extreme that would be... well... extreme (to be honest, I wanted a FOWLR system anyway). It sounds like he put a lot of thought into this, whether or not he exhaused all avenues or not is of course subjective, ergo I was pretty much directing my frustration at the people here who blasted him for actually caring that the animal had to die or going to the "extreme" of asking how to do it painlessly.
I completely agree though that the my diatribe could be equally directed at those who buy without research then dispatch without regard. :thinking: