Need Strategy to put hermit crab to sleep for good


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Youre serious? How much did you pay for the thing..Let it go and feel good, or flush it..Seriously..Grow up..It is a crab

Nice attitude to have in this hobby.


Oh, I know I'm gonna catch it for this, but I just can't help myself ............. boil some water, add crab, cook for approx 3 minutes, remove crab, add butter, and ya got a good snack ........... (oops, did I really say that)


Active Member
Okay, so I officially posted it on craigslist but I'm worried that no one will want him (her) because he's really not a good pet due to his eventual large size and predatory nature, which is why I didn't try to give him away in the first place....lesson learned RESEARCH FIRST!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
False. Freezing water is not painless in fish or inverts.
Take it to another store, give it to another hobbyist, put him in a refugium (great reason to get a refugium if you don't have one), etc.
We all make mistakes, nice to see you are trying to make it right.

Agreed! Very well said.


Originally Posted by indydirk
Oh, I know I'm gonna catch it for this, but I just can't help myself ............. boil some water, add crab, cook for approx 3 minutes, remove crab, add butter, and ya got a good snack ........... (oops, did I really say that)



Place in zip lok baggie and place in freezer. Fast and humane.
Giving it away is giving some one else a problem. It sounds harsh but
it is the right thing to do. Don't let others make you feel bad,
most who offer advice have slowly killed something in there tank without
wanting to and it's no different. Just learn from the mistake and research things before you buy! Good luck and at least you asked for advice on a moral dilemma.


Active Member

Originally Posted by DeJaCo
Place in zip lok baggie and place in freezer. Fast and humane.
Giving it away is giving some one else a problem. It sounds harsh but
it is the right thing to do. Don't let others make you feel bad,
most who offer advice have slowly killed something in there tank without
wanting to and it's no different
. Just learn from the mistake and research things before you buy! Good luck and at least you asked for advice on a moral dilemma.
I'd love to see the evidence you have showing that most of the advice here is given by people who have slowly killed something..... That's a false generalization and an insult to the folks here trying to help out on this thread.
Freezing an animal is not painless. The freezing expands fluids which rupture vessels and organs. How is that painless? Remember, some people will tell you fish don't feel pain but every aquarist will tell you that's false as well.
The "right" thing to do is to find it a good home. I've got a 4 inch "gorilla" crab living in my fuge. I placed him there becasue he came in on some live rock. Now, I could just kill him, but as I purchased it's home I felt it was my responsibility to provide for it.
The hermit doesn't have to be a problem as you suggest. Plenty of tanks out there can successfully house it.
Please think more carefully before you post insults to people trying to help...


I bet someone will take it. I'd have taken it except I live in Ohio lol. Heck, people by mantis shrimp just to have them.


Active Member
The ethics that some people have in this hobby astounds ... or maybe dumbfounds me. To think that people in this hobby look at fish or any of the animals they purchase as objects which should be disposed of without regard to the life of the animal, the pain it feels, etc and shows such an apparently wanton misdirection from the whole point of the hobby that is truly disgusting.
This hobby is about sustaining the life of the oceans in our homes and in our controlled conditions, folks. The reason that this hobby contributes, and does not take, from the reefs and the oceans is because of a proper regard for the animals and their care, and in the process provides a greater understanding to the aquatic world and thus adds a contribution to it. When you start to look at the wildlife as objects that can be dispatched any old way without a second thought, and look at them as nothing more than decorations and financial gains/losses, you've missed the whole point. The point is not animal rights or "tree-hugging," it's respecting the environment from which we take.

Kudos to the people on this thread who understand the nasty business of euthanasia and strive to find a way of making it painless, and understanding the gravity of what it involves.

Shame on the ones who say things like "It's just a crab."


Active Member
First off, I'm not even sure why we're even discussing how to kill this thing. That shouldnt even be an option, at this point.
I'm with astounds me the way people, in this hobby, think. "Well, I bought something and now I dont want it...I'll just kill's just a fish."
You cant tell us that there's not a local fish store, near you. Simple catch it, put it in a bag and take it to the store and give it to them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
it astounds me the way people, in this hobby, think. "Well, I bought something and now I dont want it...I'll just kill's just a fish."
In the case of the original poster (Garnet) specifically, IMO it more or less depends on whether or not Garnet has exhaused all other means. Of course, it has a lot of different extents to which it can be taken. I built an entire new system once just so I wouldn't have to get rid of a $20 Urchin who was destroying my reef, but that's an extreme that would be... well... extreme (to be honest, I wanted a FOWLR system anyway). It sounds like he put a lot of thought into this, whether or not he exhaused all avenues or not is of course subjective, ergo I was pretty much directing my frustration at the people here who blasted him for actually caring that the animal had to die or going to the "extreme" of asking how to do it painlessly.
I completely agree though that the my diatribe could be equally directed at those who buy without research then dispatch without regard. :thinking:


I know how you feel because I had one and it ate my urchin, was snacking on my kole tang but was very fun to watch. I ended up getting a small credit at the lfs.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
First off, I'm not even sure why we're even discussing how to kill this thing. That shouldnt even be an option, at this point.
I'm with astounds me the way people, in this hobby, think. "Well, I bought something and now I dont want it...I'll just kill's just a fish."
You cant tell us that there's not a local fish store, near you. Simple catch it, put it in a bag and take it to the store and give it to them.


Active Member
I had a hermit come in a bag of dwarf blue-legs I ordered that grew into a giant white striped hermit. I was afraid it might eat my fish and he banged around the tank all the time because there was too much rock for him to move well. So I set up a 10 gallon just for him, added a damsel and he lived for about a year in there. No one around me has saltwater tanks and I couldn't kill him. Besides he was pretty cool to watch and easy as heck to take care of.


Active Member
Should really be a no brqiner on whats right. Offer it to another LFS, or offer it in the classified......suck up any loss and chalk it up to a learning experience.......or push come to shove buy it a one way ticket by way of your favorite airlines back to the Caribean or Marshall Islands or wherever it came from and set it free