Need suggestions for schooling fish in reef safe 125


I have a 125 gallon with about 135 pounds or so of live rock, 120 pounds of sand. Lots of corals and stuff. I only have a couple of clowns in there right now, about to get a Foxface (my last one disappeared). I plan on getting maybe 2 more main fish after that but would like to get a group of 5 or 6 small schooling fish. Any suggestions?


The anthias are expensive. The green chromis are kinda cool. Some of the other fish seem kinda boring. Any other non-expensive ones that are kinda cool looking? Something eye catching. :jumping:


Banner Cardinal
{Out of respect to the owners of, please do not post pictures that so clearly advertise competitor's websites.}
Although known to science since 1993, this spectacular Cardinalfish is only a recent addition to the aquarium trade. Does great in captivity. Although it is usually quite peaceful with other fishes, they typically require a large to tank to be successfully kept in groups. Groups will get along initially, but will pair off and/or begin fighting unless the tank is very large (100 gallons or more). Relatively easy to breed in the home aquarium, but be prepared to lose a good number of specimens while pairs are established. Keep only with small peaceful fishes. A great community fish.


Originally Posted by KidWicked
Banner Cardinal
{Out of respect to the owners of, please do not post pictures that so clearly advertise competitor's websites.}
Although known to science since 1993, this spectacular Cardinalfish is only a recent addition to the aquarium trade. Does great in captivity. Although it is usually quite peaceful with other fishes, they typically require a large to tank to be successfully kept in groups. Groups will get along initially, but will pair off and/or begin fighting unless the tank is very large (100 gallons or more). Relatively easy to breed in the home aquarium, but be prepared to lose a good number of specimens while pairs are established. Keep only with small peaceful fishes. A great community fish.

those banggai (banner) cardinal really dont do all that well unless there tank rasied.