Need Suggestions on Stocking

michael r

Well I'm still out on my stocklist, I find that there is too much color repetition.
I currently have:
2 Firefish
1 Solar Fairy Wrasse
And I'm very happy with them.
I really want to add some Butterflyfish as the centerpiece, 95% sure it'll be the Auriga.
But I really don't know what else to add. I was thinking a Banggai Cardinalfish.
I need suggestions for peaceful, interesting fish that don't repeat the color we've got here.

michael r

I'm so silly I always forget to add that.
It's a 90 gallon FOWLR. I'm going to add that to my note below my username


Active Member
How about a blackcap basslet, flame hawkfish and a foxface rabbitfish. A school of anthias would add some nice color too.

michael r

I would definately like to add either a Royal Gramma or Blackcap Basslet, I'm just not solid on how they'd fare with my Firefish.
Flame Hawkfish (I think) would eat my shrimp.
I LOVE Anthias. I've inquired about them and apparently a school is too much for my tank, but how would just one be?


I would suggest a dwarf angelfish. (flame, flameback, coral beauty, cherub)


Active Member
My Royal gramma is fine with my firefish. Coral beauty or cherub would give you some blue in the tank