need suggestions on Tang purchase


Active Member
I have been thinking of getting a Tang as my next fish. I was thinking a Powder Brown but have become nervous about it taking care of itself. I have a damsel in the tank that doesnt like newcomers.
So, the question here is what is a colorful Tang that can take care of itself and isnt incredibly vicious that is rather easy to take care of?
There are cuurently no corals but do plan to start keeping them later


Active Member
Purple tangs and powder brown tangs IMO are the coolest tangs ever. Purple tangs are aggressive though. and im not sure about how easy they are to take care of. if you want a more peaceful tang try a sailfin.


Active Member
If you like the Powder Brown, I would say get it. Just make sure it is eating and healthy looking. No self respecting Acanthurus family Tang is going to put up with abuse from a damsal for very long before they turn the tables....That is asuming it's not a Garibaldi Damsal


Active Member
no its not a garibaldi. $80 for a damsel? holy crap. the one that I am referring to is a blue velvet damsel. I might end up getting 2 tangs. the powder brown being one. I just love the way that fish looks.


as long as you do not have any other tangs... you should be ok with powderbrown... powderbrowns are prone to ick though so watch it well... But you should be ok.. as long as there are no other tangs in the tank to bully it...
I personally would get a hardier tang... i'm debating Naso blonde myself...


Active Member
Originally Posted by latinlord
as long as you do not have any other tangs... you should be ok with powderbrown... powderbrowns are prone to ick though so watch it well... But you should be ok.. as long as there are no other tangs in the tank to bully it...
I personally would get a hardier tang... i'm debating Naso blonde myself...
thats what I am afraid of. this will be my first go with tangs altogether.


since it is your first tang... i'd get what you want... with no other tangs in the tank... he/she should be comfortable...


Active Member
Originally Posted by latinlord
since it is your first tang... i'd get what you want... with no other tangs in the tank... he/she should be comfortable...
Im thinking it would be smart to go with a hardier specimen as my first


Originally Posted by latinlord
as long as you do not have any other tangs... you should be ok with powderbrown... powderbrowns are prone to ick though so watch it well... But you should be ok.. as long as there are no other tangs in the tank to bully it...
I personally would get a hardier tang... i'm debating Naso blonde myself...
All tang are more prone to ich. What size tank?


with a 210 i would get 2! i actually have a 200 and have 4 tangs in there. if i were you 1. i would add them at the same time 2. have them be around the same size 3. make sure their from different family' don't get a powder blue and a powder brown. sometimes it works out...most of the time they fight. i have a purple and a yellow they're from the same family i haven't had problems but the yellow was in i think that's were i lucked out. the reason i say have them the same size is i had also ordered a salfin and he was the lil baby of the group. a couple of the other tangs in there picked on morning i woke up and he didn't come out for i think he just got picked on by the powder blue and hippo tang bc he was the baby. the reason i say to get two is bc you have such a big tank for one and for two once i added those tangs my tank became a whole different tank...they added so much color and movement...they're out a lot and i really enjoy them. if you have a qt i'd def. do that first. i have an ick outbreak right sucks...but im still very glad i got the tangs. JMO...


Active Member
I will echo what Kirk said. Powder's don't require an expert keeper. They don't have problems feeding, aren't reclusive, don't have a special diet, aren't terribly submissive, etc. They seem to just be more prone to disease then other tangs. Your shot with a Powder Brown, is going to be about the same as any other tang (excluding something like a yellow tang, you have to work to kill
...). Just making sure you get a healthy one and QT is about the best you can do.
If you want a Powder Brown get it. If you want two tangs, IMO you can (excluding like a Vlamingii) get the hardier one first to get your feet wet, but honestly there really isn't much to keeping tangs, other then offering algae sheets everyday...


Active Member
i was at my lfs the other day and they have a 7 inch blond naso.
if my fish werent in hypo now i would have brought it home.
at $179 it might be there in a few weeks .
i have 4 tangs in my 225 ,my achilles will nip at the others tails here and there but doesnt seem to be a big problem.
since the tank was in hypo without any rock this is when it started,i figure when the tank goes back together with the rock it will end like before i took it out.
have you looked at a fowleri tang ?i love mine a bit pricey but worth it.


Active Member
I am getting them from an LFS that dips the new coming fish and if need be treats them. just have to wait for them to place an order through the correct supplier. its going to be around a 3" blond that I was told will only be about $60 and then a medium sailfin for about the same