Need Tang Help??

I'm new to this so forgive me. I have a 70 gallon 48" tank that is approx. 6-7 months old. I have a yellow tang and 2 sebae clowns and about 60-70 lbs of live rock. All 3 fish have been in the tank the same amount of time, about 5-6 months. My yellow tang is a bully to most fish that I try to add. I KNOW that I shouldn't have added the yellow tang at the beginning and should have waited, BUT....not much I can do about that now. A LFS talked me into it and said it would be OK. I would like to add some more colorful or original looking fish to the tank that the yellow wouldnt pick on. I particularly like the hippos but I dont want to have world war 3 on my hands. I had heard that if I add 2 smaller tangs at the same time, that the yellow wont know which one to pick on and that MIGHT solve the problem. I really dont want to get rid of the yellow if at all possible, but I would like to add some fish to my tank. He doesnt seem to bother the smaller fish for the most part only the bigger ones. I tried to add a medium size Anthia a while back and he NEVER let it come out of the corner of the tank, and it died. Any suggestions??


you definately don't need any more tangs than what you have. a dwarf angel or a fuzzy dwarf lion would be tough to pick on.


I would say a Dwarf Angel of some sort, but not sure they could hang with your bully. How about a Wrasse, maybe a Lunare (beautiful, tough/hardy, and inexpensive), maybe a Harlequin Tusk if you have some cash to spend.


You are at max, being your yellow bullies any smaller fish. He will not live his full life in that tank. When you remove him, then you may think about more fish. I am not trying to be non-supportive of your tank, but anything that you buy will be harrassed anyway. The tang is in too small of a tank. When you get rid of him you can think about other fish.