Need the Tang Police - Help


Active Member
Ok guys, as some of you have seen I have been spending countless hours reading posts and researching my stock list and order. I have it but need the Tang Police to help.
I need some Tangs to add color, activity, and smaller fish presence...but need help with species.
Here is the list (in order of stocking) for the 240 8'x2'x2'.
Volitan Lion
Snowflake Eel
Miniatus Grouper
(1-3 Tangs)
- Yellow - Multimples work this big of a tank? Heard it reported...
- Atlantic Blues - Would they school and stay healthy?
- Hippo - Ich Magnetic? If so he's out
- Purple Tang - Would be a nice match pair with a Yellow if could pull if off
- Blond Naso -too large for tankmates? especially the Sohal

Harlequin Tusk - Aussie
Golden Moray - AKA Banana Moray
Queen Angel
Sohal Tang
Only other question is would the Sohal be a threat to any of the other tankmates (Non-Tangs)..esp the Queen & Lion?
Trying to do all my homework and be a good hobbiest here, but need some guidance....I'm tired of googling and searching....just need some advice. Will except all with the grain of salt.


Active Member
The yellow and the purple together is a risk although I have 3 yellows a purple and a naso all right now in my 210. Hippos are ich magnetic but you can overcome that. I have an indestructable hippo in my 90 gallon. I doubt that the sohal would do anything to any of the other fish but it should definetly be the last surgeonfish added because it can sometimes be aggresive towards other surgeons . Probably the 2nd to last fish because the angel should be your last. Everything else should do well. But expect to see some competition between your eels at feeding time.


Active Member
Jam1e said:
The yellow and the purple together is a risk although I have 3 yellows a purple and a naso all right now in my 210.
So it CAN be done..
Hippos are ich magnetic but you can overcome that. I have an indestructable hippo in my 90 gallon.
Not worth the risk to me, even though I have a 75 QT tank - Out
I doubt that the sohal would do anything to any of the other fish but it should definetly be the last surgeonfish added because it can sometimes be aggresive towards other surgeons . Probably the 2nd to last fish because the angel should be your last. Everything else should do well.
Just want to make sure the Sohal does not stress the queen out, she will be the prize fish.
But expect to see some competition between your eels at feeding time.
Expected it, as I have the SFE and a White Eye both in a 75 now. But my SFE is already just under 2' and not aggresive at feeding time, just looses his mind in search of that shrimp.
Will the Yellow/Purples harass a new Sohal at a later date?


Active Member
Yes, keeping the yellow and the purple together can be done. But more times they fight than not. And no the sohal shouldn't bother the queen. And the other tangs shouldn't bother the sohal


Active Member
Keep in mind ghat I'm saying SHOULDN'T. There's still a possibility that they won't get along.


I just bought a little 2 inch juvenile Queen Angel. My 5 inch Sohal doesn't even look twice at her, though I have to admit I was a little worried!


Active Member
shouldn't matter too much .. but if anything the angel would pick on the sohal if it was introduced after the angel .. that's why the sohal should be before the angel but after all of the other fish becuase it is still an aggressive fish .. generally you want the angel to be the last fish added to the tank .. that's what I was getting at in my earlier post