NEED to catch a damsel

So I have a damsel in my tank, he attacks all my fish, nips at my starfish and nips at my coral... I need him out.. but I cant catch him with the net and I have 90lbs of live rock in a 60 gallon tank.... what do I do?

bang guy

Buy two 32 gallon roughnecks and drain your tank, pull the fish and pump the water back into the tank.


I just had to catch a 3-stripe that was getting into battles with my niger. I just took out some rock and chased him with a net. Eventually i cornered him up by my skimmed and finally got him out. I put him in with my brothers undulate for about 15 minutes to teach him a lesson. He is now in a 25 gallon and hides all day. He used to be a terror before.
Well I did it.. I took out all 90lbs of my live rock.. this guy was soooo fast.. pretty much I pissed off everyone in my tank.. my tang is still hiding.. the water is clear now.. my one piece of coral looks pretty mad, my anemone looks normal.. I will do a water test next week and see what kind of damage I did.. :mad: stupid damsel.


blame the aquarist that put the fish in there in the first place, not the fish itself i always say.
my damsels haven't caused me problems. not true for every damsel i know, but seriously don't blame the fish, you were the one who put it in there.


When i put a large 3 stripe in my tank i didn't think it would cause any problems. i had already had it for about a year in another tank and it seemed to be a peaceful specimen. It started to get in conflicts with my niger who is much bigger, and thats crossing the line. They both would suffer injuries and i wanted to teach it a lesson. 15 minutes with an undulate set the damsel straight. He wont even come out of hiding now. He has not eaten in 5 days.
yeah this damsel was like hitler junior.. he would attack my clown fish, he would attack every fish in my tank.. including my blue tang :( He would attack my starfishes legs and the final straw was he nipped at my brand new brain and the brain's side sucked in after he did that.. and then the damsel just comes to the glass and stares at me.. hah I told that fish every night I was going to catch him..
Update: everything in the tank looks great, the coral isn't as sucked in as before, the anemone looks happy, all the fish look a lot more happy, the green chromis aren't only hanging out at the top because they dont have to worry about the damsel anymore... so it was a success.