need to convince my mom


Active Member
can u guys just explain why u guys like reef tanks more than fish tanks. my mom thinks its crazy for me to buy new lights and all and start a reef tgank, but personally i like reef tanks more than fish tanks. if u could throw in a few tank shots also for her that might help me out a bit.


Active Member
One word for ya... responsibility. It takes great dedication to truly care for a reef tank.
now something worth a thousand words... :D



WOW...those zoos are awesome!! They look great! I have been searching for those for a month now and no luck.....they are beautiful. The colors and shapes are perfect. Where did you get them?


Active Member
crzy, that store at Oakland and east of Andrews often has orange zoos..
corals just make the fish look natural...
And now for a thousand and one words...



my mom thinks its crazy for me to buy new lights and all and start a reef tgank, but personally i like reef tanks more than fish tanks

Thats because you mom hasnt caught the reef virus... you better watch out, youll spread it around! lol
No, for real I do not think that your mom understands why you need those lights for your reef tank and why you want corals, maybe you should explain to her about the process of photosynthsis (spelling?) and why these corals need more light than what our fish tanks do!....
Reef Tanks are one of the most beautiful man made creations on the planet, I believe personally that reef tanks are more beautiful than... than... other beautiful things!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, hope everything turns out ok, trust me, if you do get too, she and you will both love it and everyday will be another adventure!!!


Active Member
Take her to some sites and show her some pics and she'll get the "itch"..... It's addicting.....but the best addiction you could have!!!!! :D


My mom thought I was crazy until I showed her the end results. Now she wants a reef in the living room :D


Active Member
reefnut, I see you have your colt down low in the sand, I have mine mid tank, because i am afraid my lighting might not support corals down that far, but love your location much better, what do you think, can i try moving it down? I have 260 PC lighting.


Active Member
reefnut, I see you have your colt down low in the sand, I have mine mid tank, because i am afraid my lighting might not support corals down that far, but love your location much better, what do you think, can i try moving it down? I have 260 PC lighting.


Active Member
I think you're looking at Dogstar's colt... (which are beautiful) but I would say it depends on how deep your tank is. Colts do like light so it may not do well under those lights in a deep tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
WOW...those zoos are awesome!! They look great! I have been searching for those for a month now and no luck.....they are beautiful. The colors and shapes are perfect. Where did you get them?
Thanks crzyfshygy, I found a small frag at a LFS and they grew into what you see now. Hope you find some :)


Explain to your mom how much dedication, compasion and responsibility goes into a successful tank and how it's really is an addiction.
Then remind her that since you are a teen, statistically, you are bound to get addicted to "something" so a reef is a perfect outlet.

But on the other hand, who's paying for the lights? Cause if you want her to you may hafta get her addicted after all. :)


Active Member
That orange shroom is cool reefnut. I hope mine get white stripes like that! :D
Edit: typo.


Active Member
I'm just starting to collect and mushrooms ar my thang - for now. Those are OUTSTANDING!! I want one.


Active Member
Just understand, in a well kept tank they can grow like weeds and overshadow your ZOOS (my thang). :D


Active Member
Well we can't have that, can we?
Can any shroom develope a stripe or is that a little different kind of critter?
Hey Teen, how goes the convincing?