Need to get rid of 75g, 29gx2, 10g.


I know SWF looks down on selling here so let me state. I am not selling this.
I have recently found that as much as I love fish i do not have the time or money to properly care for my fish.
After MUCH thought i decided to get rid of my entire set up. I ask no money, nothing at all. Just someone in the Minneapolis area willing to come and get the setup (fish also). Someone who will take good care of the fish (that i no longer can).
If for some reason SWF closes this post, or nobody speaks up i will be forced to turn it all over to the LFS. (Not preferred) This tank is currently setup and functioning. The personw ill need to be willing to do all the work of taking it down or give me warning so i can have it done.
29g (refugium)
HOB filter (rated 70g)
Overflow (rated 800gph)
Pump (rated 900gph)
75g Stand
29 Stand (metal)
Lunare Wrasse (full grown - 6+ inches)
Bicolor Parrotfish (4-5 inches)
Maroon Clown (full grown 4+inches)
Royal Gramma
Coral banded Shrimp
various crabs, few snails.
Live Rock, sand, etc..
I have enjoyed the help here, and the knowledgable people. However, this is what i need to do at this time. I will eventually start over with a bigger, hopefully better system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zelfin
I know SWF looks down on selling here so let me state. I am not selling this.
I have recently found that as much as I love fish i do not have the time or money to properly care for my fish.
After MUCH thought i decided to get rid of my entire set up. I ask no money, nothing at all. Just someone in the Minneapolis area willing to come and get the setup (fish also). Someone who will take good care of the fish (that i no longer can).
If for some reason SWF closes this post, or nobody speaks up i will be forced to turn it all over to the LFS. (Not preferred) This tank is currently setup and functioning. The personw ill need to be willing to do all the work of taking it down or give me warning so i can have it done.
29g (refugium)
HOB filter (rated 70g)
Overflow (rated 800gph)
Pump (rated 900gph)
75g Stand
29 Stand (metal)
Lunare Wrasse (full grown - 6+ inches)
Bicolor Parrotfish (4-5 inches)
Maroon Clown (full grown 4+inches)
Royal Gramma
Coral banded Shrimp
various crabs, few snails.
Live Rock, sand, etc..
I have enjoyed the help here, and the knowledgable people. However, this is what i need to do at this time. I will eventually start over with a bigger, hopefully better system.
Why don't you try selling it on C-List before just giving it away? Sounds like you have at least $500 in equipment alone. Stick it on there for $200, and I'd bet you have a sale in less than a week.


C-List is a good idea. However, its not about the money. I love owning marine fish. I know a lot of other people would like to but cannot afford to buy a full setup. So i offer to anyone who wants to try it out.
Its no an extremely expensive setup. But it is worth the effort if someone wanted. Its a great starting point.