need to go quick


I have an ammonia problem in my show tank, so I removed the following livestock & put them into my QT tank, now I need to sell them asap due to the ammonia problem in my show tank
One bonded pair of Ocellarus clowns, they host the large BTA
One single Ocellarus clown
One bonded pair of maroon clowns
One super color crocea clam
2 small rose Bulb tip anomones
One large Bulb tip anomone
One green long tentacle place coral
2 polyp colony rocks
One 3.5" open brain (neon colors are beautiful)
One skunk cleaner & one fire shrimp
If interested call me on my cell - 337-319-4909 to make offer
I am in Ft. Walton Beach FL if interested in pick up


Hey tiggerguy,
For everything except the single ocellaris, the pair of maroons & one small RBT anomone (they were just sold), I will take $300.00 + shipping. I will also throw in some zebra hermits & blue legged hermits. It won't cost anything for the box & packaging because I have some already.
Let me know if your interested.
If someone doesn't take everything then we'll try & work something out on the clam.


Hey tiggerguy,
For everything except the single ocellaris, the pair of maroons & one small RBT anomone (they were just sold), I will take $300.00 + shipping. I will also throw in some zebra hermits, blue legged hermits & a pepperment shrimp. It won't cost anything for the box & packaging because I have some already.
Let me know if your interested.
If someone doesn't take everything then we'll try & work something out on the clam.


If tigger doesnt take it all, would you be interested in shipping the cleaner shrimp and/or the peppermint shrimp to 92092?


If you still have the green long tentacle place coral I am very interested im in 60181. Thanks


Active Member
if you want to sell them it's your choice.
But you could do water changes and use AMMO-LOCK and be rid of your amonia or Kents Amonia Detox.
You'd be all set...
Just an Idea..


I have tried that several times, I have already done 3 - 50% water changes with no success. I removed everything from the tank & the ammonia level rose to 10ppm. I guess it is trying to recycle, I lost a flame scallop during this problem so far. I put everything in my desktop tank but now I'm afraid I'm going to cause an ammonia spike there because it is overloaded, & I am fighting to correct the problem in my other tank. I also have a beautiful pair of true perculas, & a pair of oscelarus clowns also. I tried using ammo lock in the beginning but couldn't stand to leave anything in water that toxic. Anyone that is insterested should call me on my cell - 337-319-4909, because I don't get a chance to check this board often. I hate to sell everything because I will purchase it again after I fix my tank, but have no place to store them in the mean time. The LFS in this area is small & I have 10 times more stuff then they stock, no room.


Active Member

Originally posted by msitework
I tried using ammo lock in the beginning but couldn't stand to leave anything in water that toxic.

Umm it's not toxic...When it combines with amonia it turns it to a NON Toxic form. Hence the whole purpose of it.
It saved my Nano big time...The only reason you can't use it on an ongoing basis is that you want the bacteria to grow to take care of the amonia, not rely on the ammo lock to convert it for you.
Otherwise You can use it everyday.
Like I said, it's up to you.. But I'd be dosing the heck out of the tank with ammo lock...what do you have to loose?


I'll take $55.00 + shipping for the super color crocea. Let me know if your interested. Also, the Long tentacle green plate coral is available for $35.00 + shipping. The cleaner shrimp is quite large, I will let it go for $16.50 + shipping. Local pickup is also welcomed.