Need to Indentify


150 Salt
I have this White branch like stuff growing in little packs or colonies. I had to remove some items to get rid of it.
I searched this web sight to try to identify without any luck.
Guess it is best to say it looks like a white nest of minurature feather dusters (without the worm) that grows in clusters and branches off like a tree limb. Small clusters are starting to form everywhere.
Please help :help:


It grow like a weed. I do not desire my tank to be covered in this stuff.
thanks for the quick reply.
I have tons of Feather dusters. There is no worm in these things. Feather duster also grow isolated. This stuff grows in a nest....


I tried pictures. it is growing in the back of the tank pretty deep on a a middle rock (so I cannot remove it)
Looks like a pile of spaghetti....
pictures..I have not perfected picture taking in the tank yet.
it is not (to my knowledge) feather dusters...they do not grow in clusters.
any link to help identify? I been searching for a bit.


seems to be close anyway. Is this from over feeding. under skimmer. I did just add some live rock.
and have a tendancey to well as I am underskimming....
Guess with these two conditions, They will grow an flourish in my tank?
Any natural predator to a sponge...Crabs?


Active Member
Spanish dancers rip it up on sponge. But they fly like an albatros and crash land into everything. Beautiful but they suck at landings. lol google them


Originally Posted by reefreak29
how old is the tank? if your water quility is improved and u dont add any phytoplankton it will go away

Story of my tank. always trying to upgrade. Need a new skimmer....looking for a 150 hang on....not easy.....
got another thread about and other, I know... Thanks