Need To Know Camara Settings


Active Member
I have the same camera and I found that using the camera in "P" mode setting my ISO to 200 and setting the camera to super macro mode gave me the best results the biggest problem I found with this camera is there is never enough light even though I have 500w of MH and 240w of PC above my 55 I had to use a tripod to get clear pics, and good pictures of my fish were dificult to get unless I could catch them napping. If you are wanting to try to blur the background use the same settings as above but it will be "Av" mode on the dial.


Guys, thank you soooo much on all your input. It probably saved me hundreds of dollars to buy a camara that will take good pix as the camara I already have. I will keep playing with it .I actually feel like I took a photography course.