Need to know some stuff


What filter, lights, etc. do i need for this:20G Tank, I want to have 2 clowns and a royal gramma. Thats all. Right now i have 2 AquaClear Power Filters,Marine Glow lights. also do i need a protein skimmer and power head? Thanks


Active Member
well if all you want is fish, you will need- a heater, powerhead or two, power compact florescent lights (at least), a test kit for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and PH, and the optional skimmer. your filtration sounds fine.
i would also reccomend investing in live rock and live sand.


ya i have LR and LS and i have a 100W Heater,the florescent lights, and the test kit , I will get a powerhead but im not sure about the skimmer, what exactly does it do and how much would it cost?


Active Member
it removes dissolved organic waste from the water. unfortunately with skimmers, you get what you pay for. you can get they $30 cheapies from your local ***** and these are CRAPCRAPCRAP! lol. personally i would reccomend the aqua-c remora, which runs about $125. excellent HOB skimmer. however, if you arent planning on adding anything other than these three fish, and keep up with regular water changes etc, you should be able to omit the skimmer.


It really doesn't matter what kind of lights you have as long as you're only keeping fish. If you decide to stock corals then you would need to look into better lighting. A protein skimmer is suggested but not required. I have a sea-clone POS, that has basically quit working on me, so i don't use it anymore and i haven't noticed any ill effects. I do suggest you get a couple of small powerheads though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by parker171
Another question, Do i need 2 power filters going on this tank?
what size tanks are they rated for? my guess would be no.