Need to learn the basics


New Member
Hey! :)
I've been thinking about starting a saltwater aquarium for quite a while and finally decided to research it. I don't know anything about it. What do you need to get started and how do you get started? Any helpful sites/books for beginners?


Active Member
First welcome to the boards, this is a great place to learn. I would first read or get a couple of good books on the subject. The New marine aquarium by Michael S. Paletta, is a good book, be sure with any book you read that it is fairly new. New theories on saltwater aquarium keeping are always coming out and the books become outdated quickly.
You will want to decide what type of aquarium you want to keep. For a first timer I would recommend a Fish only with Live Rock and a Deep sand bed. You should get a tank that is at least 55gal. It is easier to keep the water quality stable in a larger tank.
I would read as much as you can, decide what you want to keep. then post back here when you have what you think you want to buy and people will tell you if you are on the right track. I researched for about 6mo before I bought anything.


read these boards often..there are alot of very experienced people here that can teach you a great deal. just remember never take the advice of just one person!! enjoy this great hoby and welcome!!:)


while this is a great place to start and check daily, you must read a couple of books and understand what is happenning in there. There is plenty of information available in the web, but always have some books handy for reference. Here you will get tips that will make you life a lot easier.
As a member quotes in his signature
I did not want to become a marine biologist, I just wanted marine fish.
Well don't let this statement discourage you. But you must learn a great deal of new information to become successful. And if you do things right in your first run you will spare lives money!!

nm reef

Active Member
Definitely a big "Welcome" to the boards....check this link for some pretty decent information on starting a marine system...and best of luck!:cool: