Need to lower SALINITY!


My Salinity is 1.026 is the exceptable or should it be lowered to around 1.024? If so what is the best method to lower? The only have l/r, l/s and some scarlet crabs in their now. I want to add some snails tonight just wondering though if the salinity is to high..Thanks


You can lower the salt by doing a small water change, try to make the new water, around 22-23 to even off the tank


Active Member
1.026 isn't a dangerously high salinity... we try and keep our tank at between 1.023-1.025.
And the easiest way to lower salinity... add freshwater. I'd recommend RO (reverse osmosis) water rather than tap water... tap water has way too many impurities and metals in it that could be harmful to your tank.
You can usually get RO water at your local fish store and I've heard that Walmart carries it too.



Originally posted by kreach
1.026 isn't a dangerously high salinity... we try and keep our tank at between 1.023-1.025.
And the easiest way to lower salinity... add freshwater. I'd recommend RO (reverse osmosis) water rather than tap water... tap water has way too many impurities and metals in it that could be harmful to your tank.
You can usually get RO water at your local fish store and I've heard that Walmart carries it too.



Active Member
make the changes in salinity slowly. Don't add enough FW to get it to 1.022 all at once.


Active Member
For a reef tank, 1.024-1.026 is considered acceptable (actually necessary for some animals, like seastars). It is somewhat temperature dependant as well, as specific gravity varies with temperature. What are you using to measure specific gravity? Keep in mind that swing arm hydrometers, for example, can be inaccurate....and be sure to soak them in white vinegar every so often to remove buildup. I thought I had specific gravity in that range once, until I cleaned it.... :D then it was off scale. A refractometer is a good investment should you get in to reef keeping. Inverts are less tolerant of salinity fluctuations than many fish.
Personally, I would not go as low as 1.021-1.022 with inverts. It is fairly common for fish however. Regardless, I don't see the need for drastic action right now. And definitely bring the salinity down slowly over time.



Originally posted by kreach
And the easiest way to lower salinity... add freshwater. I'd recommend RO (reverse osmosis) water rather than tap water...

If your tank is already filled to the top, you can always take out a couple of gallons of water from the tank and then just replace it w/ freshwater. As usual, add it slowly.


Thanks for all the advice, I do have a refractometer now so hopefully this will help alot, I need to do a water change anyway so I will just ajust my water to about 1.024 before I add it. Thanks