Need to remove from tank?


Hello, my green eye has been in my tank for couple months now and for a month now some of the pollyps have died and some have gotten bigger. Do I need to clip out the dead ones? Will it effect my water quality like if a fish died? Thank You.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SlackNation
This message board blows, so long.
not all people on here will know the answer. it is best for someone who doesn't know the correct answer to not answer you rather than give you bad advice.
zoanthids are very toxic. if you can pull out the zoa and carefull remove the dead ones (cut them out at the mat with a razor blade) i would. make sure you rinse the zoa with tank water before you place them back into your tank. wear gloves while doing this and try not to squeeze the zoas. might be a opportune time to make some frags of the good ones and let them grow out.


Active Member
i would do what dmjordan said save the good ones, make some frags and you can get a colony in different part in a couple of months. no need for the negative remarks though.
by experience not all of your questions will be answered and it also depends on when you post ex: time, day, forum.....
like the hobby be patient.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SlackNation
This message board blows, so long.
If they are dead, there would be nothing to "clip out" so in essence, the question doesn't make a lot of sense. This may be why no one answered

But otherwise, bye...