Need to replace skimmer...what is everyone using


So I started with a Sea Clone (100 or 150 cant remember)
Anyway, it works one day, then nothing the next....maybe its not dialed in right, but I am moving on regardless.
What should I go with for a 55g reef setup with 25g sump....
would I notice a difference if I went with a coralife super skimmer? I want to spend around $150 me if anyone thinks they know how to work this sea clone and would like it for cheap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dieselndix
So I started with a Sea Clone (100 or 150 cant remember)
Anyway, it works one day, then nothing the next....maybe its not dialed in right, but I am moving on regardless.
What should I go with for a 55g reef setup with 25g sump....
would I notice a difference if I went with a coralife super skimmer? I want to spend around $150 me if anyone thinks they know how to work this sea clone and would like it for cheap.
I like the CPRS from CPRUSA dot com


forgot to mention the stipulations....
I need an in sump skimmer, and because my stand is weird...I have 21" underneath....the skimmer can be tilted back to remove the cup...but height needs to be somewhere around 18"
and after some research....I have the seaclone 100


Active Member
I run a CSS 65 on my 65 with 20 gal fuge and it does great.
Think I may upgrade soon, but the CSS 65 is rocking the goop.


Active Member
only in sump models I can think of that short are ASM mini and AquaC urchin. Coralife SS65 is nearly 21" if you can squeeze that in.


Coral life super skimmer woud be my choice as well...The two docs have them on sale right now also, bout $75 plus shipping.


Active Member
haha the only way that would not be over kill is if you own a public aquarium.
IMO you need to save a few bucks. there is not much in the price range your looking for with insump models that are really worth having. in this hobby almost everone ends up getting a bigger tank. buy once with an upgrade in mind. i would look at the euroreef skimmers. i run a few of them on all my tanks and would never go back to anything else. I used to be a skeptic and thought they were way over priced. then i bit the bullet and bought one and I will never doubt again. i have owned just about every make and brand out tehre and none of them come even close to quality and performance. highly recomended.


Originally Posted by dieselndix
So I started with a Sea Clone (100 or 150 cant remember)
Anyway, it works one day, then nothing the next....maybe its not dialed in right, but I am moving on regardless.
What should I go with for a 55g reef setup with 25g sump....
would I notice a difference if I went with a coralife super skimmer? I want to spend around $150 me if anyone thinks they know how to work this sea clone and would like it for cheap.
I have a SeaClone also and while I know they stink the best way to keep them consistently skimming is an auto top off unit. As long as the water is always at the same level, once you set it right, it seems to always skim and do a reasonable job


Active Member
go with the aqua c urchin. you can get it for about 150 w/ a maxijet 1200. great in-sump skimmer. tiny footprint. only about 4" x 7" and about 14" tall. go to proteinskimmer dot com for all of the specs. i can also sell you mine that was used for 3 months b4 i upgraded my tank and got a new skimmer. email me at


I am having the same debate right now with almost the same dimensions in mind....Others have told me to look into the Tunze Skimmer 9005 model...The footprint on that one looks perfect but havent many things about the skimmer, i wouldnt go for the coralifes, heard bad things esp if you dont plan on modding them (making adjustments with various outside parts)...Also the deltec, but wow price shock so i can forget that...I know everyone and their mother with a good skimmer runs the ASM brand and you rarely hear anything bad about them, but the mini is only rated to a 75g tank, since i have a 65g i think i would need one for at least 100+g to be sufficent, but i guess all depends on your bio load....