need to sell our tank!!


im sorry some how i ended up with two threads on here and i dont always answer sometimes i have a friend do it for me so plz bare with me i am willing to trade for the right stuff mabey other fish related iteams or pets maybe other stuff i dunno there arent any visabal scratchs minor ones if you look really really hard


what about the rock? scratches, leaks? sorry i am just curious because i can't see pics.........i 'm looking to see how i could get it delivered i havent found a way yet ..but i am looking into it. thanks


the only fish items i would have for trade is a 55 gallon tank, sen 500ga inline pump, 125g protein skimmer, and a prizm skimmer, all of which except for the tank are 1 month old....although notingthe size of your tanks you prob can't use any of them


im not limited to only fish things to trade for but anyways the only shiping placeses i know of is dhl ups fedex??? mabey a trucking company could do it i dunno


what kind of stand?...........................oh i should be able to let you know about shipping by the latest tomorrow.


the sand is dead sand. Sorry that it is taking so long to write back and answer you. We are really sorry about not being able to send a picture we have a laptop and we have a scanner but we have no way to hook it up to the laptop. You can ask as many questions as you would like about the tank we understand that you want to know as much as you can about it before you make a comitment. We really appreciate your interest in the tank and thank you for working with us so much.


i meant stand? but anyway i will be back to you today because i will know about the freight ......thanks


the tank is not sold yet and we have no agreements with anyone yet so if anyone is still interested please let us know we are willing to work with the right person. Please let us know


I would like to talk to you about your tank please email me at
I have cat and bird breeding cages, cat carriers dog carriers expens think i may have some cage curtains and grooming table for cat shows. What do you need?


sorry i wouldnt need any sorta cage but if you have any type of bird (big) bird aka parrot, macaw ect. would consider great dane, maybe english bulldog, umm... laptop, palm pilot, maybe a classic sports car restoration project sorta thing maybe a 4x4 stuff for my other tank coral fish (peaceful) live rock ect...
house hold goods i dunno something along those lines


I can do a laptop or liverock, LTA, uv sterilizer, CBB, maybe some corals, 55 gallon tanks, 500 gallon tank project, maybe palm pilot etc email for more info


I got a emachine laptop to trade you it's only 4 months old m5312. You have to bring it here have no truck I live in lima ohio about 4 hrs from you